The rainy season's here, and the Defense Club is dedicating themselves to various indoor activities. Suddenly, they realize that Mr. Tawarayama -- whom Wombat is controlling under the pretext of preserving his life -- is covered in mold! The club erupts into chaos. Just then, Kinozaki and Tazawa of the Press Society burst in looking for material for a story. Kinozaki chases them around, trying to learn their secret, which stresses out Wombat, Yufuin, Naruko, and Zaou.
梅雨に入り、各自インドア活動に勤しむ防衛部。ふと見れば、命を共有という名目でウォンバットに操られている俵山先生がカビている! 混乱する部室に、マスコミ研究会の城崎と田沢が突撃取材にやってきた。秘密を探ろうとする城崎に追い回され、ウォンバット、由布院、鳴子、蔵王のストレスも増加。黒玉湯で怒りを発散する防衛部だが、そこに城崎たちも押し入ってくる。そんな中、ラブレスレットにラブアラートが……。
Jornalistas do colégio estão na cola do Clube de Defesa, entretanto enquanto o Clube de Defesa tenta fugir deles, um novo monstro aparece.