When the brawlers are going to exit the Ice Cave, the exit was blocked by a millions of snowflakes on the ground, and the door was dry shut. When the brawlers got back into Ice cave, they must find a way back. Kouchu, Roaracryst, Mouselette, Ninecoat, Plantmore and Squishing are being chased and attacked by a giant Spikefist and the rest is finding a trail. Shauna and Sakuro have to find Kouchu on his way to the trail. Shauna and Sakuro gathered around to get out of the crazy weather, with Kouchu and the rest surviving while being in the risk of illness. Kouchu willingly survives his way to his warmth, safety situation. To retrieve it, the brawlers also got chased out of their place in the Ice Cave and to the nearest shelter.