Chega o dia do Festival Esportivo da Academia Seton e todos os animais estão eufóricos para poderem competir, dando tudo de si e se imporem como os melhores. Jin, como sempre, não tem interesse nisso...
Das Sportfest steht an, aber außer Lanka und Miyubi will vom Kochklub niemand teilnehmen. Trotzdem beginnen die beiden für das Sportfest zu trainieren.
Mazama Jin here. I'm slowly growing accustomed to Seton Academy. It's Field Day, and I'll be running... toward the shining future that awaits the two of us. For me, there's only one goal to run toward, and that's Hitomi-chan. Yes, it's only natural to think that just running isn't enough. I'm no fool. But I can't stop. I'd never last if I did. Because... this is the stupid animals' Field Day.
Se va a celebrar el festival deportivo en la academia y Ranka está decidida a hacer que el Club de Cocina participe en él para ganar.
En principe, une meute est censée suivre les ordres de son chef, mais Ranka a dû tomber sur un spécimen unique, puisque personne à part elle ne veut participer à la compétition interclasses de l’école. Finalement, l’un des membres du club se porte volontaire, mais ce n’est pas celui qu’on verrait le plus spontanément monter sur un podium.
‘마지마 진’입니다.
시튼 학원에 조금씩 익숙해지고 있습니다.
저는 달릴 겁니다.
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음, 그냥 달리는 것만으로는 의미가 없는 건 아닐까 하는 생각은 당연히 있습니다.
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……이건, 짐승들의 체육대회니까