Tsubasa erzählt den Mädchen von ihrem letzten großen Baseballspiel und wie sie wieder zum Baseball gefunden hat. Sie beschließen, Shinonome bei ihrem Probespiel anzufeuern.
The semifinal round of last year's Senior Little League tournament came down to Fujiura High versus Kuramoto Chuo High. Recalling that game is vexing for Ryou, but to Tsubasa, it's a precious memory. Tsubasa opens up to the other members about why she decided to start a girls' baseball team at Satogahama instead of joining a club team. One year ago, Tsubasa was facing the decision of whether to keep playing baseball or quit.
Tsubasa raconte le match qui l'a opposée à Shinonome et ses conséquences. Shinonome ne se voit pas s'abaisser à rejoindre un club lycéen et se prépare à passer un test pour rentrer dans un club associatif.
작년 여름, 리틀 시니어 전국 대회. 결승은 츠바사의 팀, 준결승은 시노노메 료의 팀이었다. 우승기를 거머쥐었음에도 불구하고 클럽 팀으로 가지 않은 츠바사에게 그 이유를 묻는 여자 야구부 동호회 멤버들이었는데.