The hunt continues in the storm summoned by Voban who has neutralized The Stallion forcing Godou to grab Mariya and run using The Raptor. Yuri finds out more about Godou and Campiones when they stop to rest for as long as they can before Voban finds them again. Mariya is unaware of her developing feelings for Godou as she is deeply touched both by how far he is willing to help and suffer not only to protect her but also to avoid doing something 'improper.' Even though as a Campione he could order her compliance. Mariya makes the decision that heavily impacts the final showdown with Voban. Meanwhile, Erica has been fighting both Liliana and Voban's Dead Servants. However, she manages to appeal to Liliana's honor and sense of righteousness (and seal the deal with some blackmail) to get her to switch sides for the final showdown.
ヴォバンの強力な権能に敗れ、護堂は退却を余儀なくされていた。その一方、追っ手の死者たちを引き受けていたエリカの前に、彼女のライバルにしてヴォバンの従者・リリアナが現れた。苦戦を続けるエリカ。そこに祐理が駆けつけ、リリアナにヴォバンから離反するよう呼びかける。騎士の誇りを重んじるリリアナはこれを拒むが、エリカが彼女のある秘密を口にすると…!? 己の優勢を確信し、余裕の表情で護堂を追うヴォバン。そこに護堂が舞い戻ってきた。護堂の胸には、祐理の霊視とエリカの知識がもたらした切り札が…!