After falling into Erica's trap, Godou is vacationing (and being teased) on a beach with Erica, Yuri, and his Grandfather's old friend, Zola (who was the original owner of the Perseus stone.) Trying to escape the antics Godou runs into Athena, who says she's not interested in a rematch, yet, but wants him to come with her to something that has attracted her attention. Meanwhile, Liliana realizes the error of seeking Dion's help in dealing with the Heraion, which ends up transforming the land's energy into a dragon. As a result, Perseus shows up to 'valiantly' slay the dragon without any concern for the consequences. Athena intervenes while Godou explains a few things to Liliana who shows the cute young maiden side of her out of shock. Perseus returns to demonstrate why Godou can't beat him.
夏休み、護堂は再びサルデーニャ島の大地を踏んでいた。エリカから逃れるため、ルクレチアを頼っての行動であった。…が、途中で祐理に捕まり、イタリアに到着するとそこにエリカの姿まで! 結局、二人にに挟まれた、いつも通りの騒がしいバカンスになるのであった…。 その夜、エリカたちの元を離れた護堂はアテナと再会する。時を同じくして、ナポリではカンピオーネのサルバトーレ・ドニが、監視役のリリアナの制止も聞かずに神具・ヘライオンを破壊していた。それにより生まれた竜を追い、新たなまつろわぬ神が顕現する!