Soo Hyun tells Jin Hyuk that she can help him stay in the head office, but Jin Hyuk refuses her offer saying that he should show people how he comes back to the head office all by himself. Meanwhile, Donghwa Hotel’s year-end party is held as planned. Myung Sik and Sun Joo plan to invite Soo Hyun and Jin Hyuk who has been transferred to Sokcho without telling the two of them so that the young couple has a surprise reunion at the party.
급작스러운 진혁의 인사이동을 막으려는 수현.
주변의 반대가 심해질수록 두 사람의 마음은 커져만 가고, 수현은 태경그룹으로부터 자유로워지기 위해 소송도 불사할 각오인데..
Cuando Jin-hyuk es trasladado a otra oficina, Soo-hyun se despide de él de forma temporal. Para celebrar el fin de año, se realiza un baile de máscaras en el hotel.
Da er in ein anderes Büro versetzt wird, müssen Jin-hyeok und Su-hyeon vorerst eine Fernbeziehung führen. Das Hotel läutet das neue Jahr mit einem Maskenball ein.