
中学球界で名を馳せた完全無欠の剛腕投手・清峰葉流火、切れ者捕手の“智将”・要圭の怪物バッテリー。全国の強豪校からスカウトを受けていた彼らが進学したのは何故か野球無名校の東京都立小手指高校だった。さらに圭は記憶喪失で野球に関する知識も失っていた。 そしてかつて彼らに敗れ散り野球から遠ざかっていた天才たちも、偶然同じ高校に入学しており…。

  • Bōkyaku Battery
日本語 English français italiano español Português - Brasil Deutsch 한국어 臺灣國語
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Specials October 2020 1
Season 1 April 2024 July 2024 12
Unassigned Episodes 0
Absolute ordering places all episodes in a single ordered season. This is generally used for anime.
Season From To Episodes
Season 1 April 2024 July 2024 12
Unassigned Episodes 1

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Baseball ⚾ [Sport Anime Series]

1 7 toni kaku

Anime series where baseball takes an important place in the story.

Manga ⬄ Anime [Series]

1 342 toni kaku

Anime series that have a manga version. The manga medium could be derivated from the serie, base of it or just another adaptation from a common source like a novel, a light novel, a web novel, etc...

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