Love until death do us apart, but the time is ticking towards its limit.
Takuma has a heart disease and the doctor tells him he won’t be able to live up to 20 years old. He and the doctor’s daughter Mayu are friends from their childhood. When they were children, Takuma asked her to marry him and Mayu answered, “Promise to marry me when we become twenty!”
Takuma had never questioned his future with Mayu until he found out that he won’t be able to live long. Ever since Mayu found about Takumi’s life expectancy when she was still a child, she has devoted her life to find out a way to save Takuma. The one and only wish of Takuma and Mayu is that they can live their lives with the person they truly love, that is together.
This is a story of two high school students bound by love but facing the time limit of life; a heart aching but beautiful love story where a young couple struggles to fight against their destiny to make their dream come true.
- I Give My First Love to You
- My First Love is Dedicated Toward You
- Boku no Hatsukoi wo Kimi ni Sasagu
어릴 때부터 심장병을 앓아온 타쿠마와, 주치의의 딸인 마유.
타쿠마는 마유에게 어른이 되면아내가 되어달라고 프로포즈를 하고
마유 역시 타쿠마에게 스무살이 되면 꼭 결혼하자고 약속을 한다.
그렇게 마유와의 미래를 믿어 의심치 않았던 타쿠마는
자신이 스무살이 될 때까지 살 수 없다는 걸 알게 되는데...
어린 시절부터 서로를 마음에 품고, 함께 나눈 약속을 지키고자
목숨을 건 사랑에 나서는 소년과 소녀의 순수하고 애달픈 러브 스토리
逞自小便因心臟病而住院,也因此結識了主治醫師的女兒繭,青梅竹馬的兩人約定長大後要結婚。然而,逞從父母和醫師的言談間得知自己活不過 20 歲的事實,便開始想盡辦法要疏遠繭。繭始終不放棄希望一直陪伴在逞的身邊,跟他考取同一所高中,也希望他的病能快點好起來…