Diva und Carl dringen in das Red Shield HQ ein. Während Saya Hagi zurücklässt, damit er sich Carl vornehmen kann, macht sie sich auf die Suche nach Riku.
Saya and Hagi search for Diva as Kai and Riku go to join David. Kai hears men screaming and goes to investigate, leaving Riku alone on one of the decks. He can hear Diva calling for him, but Kai returns and they head to the conference room. Saya finds Carl, but leaves Hagi to deal with him and so she can continue looking for Diva. Kai and Riku join some of the operatives at and elevator that will take them to the conference room, but when it arrives Diva is in it. Kai grabs Riku and runs, taking refuge in a storage room, while the men try to stop Diva. Saya finds the men's bodies, but Carl appears again and she's forced to fight him. Joel and David agree to activate the ship's self-destruct sequence to try to entomb Diva in it. Kai and Riku hear the warning about the self-destruct sequence, but Diva finds them. Kai shoots her, but she instantly heals and she knocks him away, leaving him barely conscious while Diva rapes Riku. Saya and Carl's battle takes them to the same room, where Diva is holding Kai and threatening to give him her blood. Saya stabs her, but as she forgot to add her blood to her sword, Diva just laughs and shoves her away. When she falls, Saya spots Riku's naked, cracking body near by; Diva taunts Saya that she gave him her blood, killing him. As Hagi holds off Carl, Kai and Saya watch helplessly as Riku's body shatter completely. David and Lewis find them and lead them back to the ship deck. They had tried to seal Diva and Carl in the ship's hold, but they easily break out and Carl seriously wounds Joel. Saya and Hagi stay to fight them while the others get away to safety. As Kai watches from the departing helicopter, the ship explodes.
Diva a débarqué sur le navire de Red Shield en compagnie de Carl. Chacun avec un but différent : lui veut combattre Saya, elle cherche Riku.
Et rien ne semble pouvoir les arrêter...
Diva e Carl invadiram a sede da Red Shield. Diva deixa Carl cuidando de algumas coisas enquanto ela vai procurar Riku.
Saya se enfrenta a Karl mientras que Joel y David deciden destruir el barco para enterrar a Diva y a Karl en él. Diva busca a Riku entretanto. Kai y este intenta esconderse, pero son sorprendidos por Diva, que aparta a Kai y viola a Riku. Con ayuda de Haji, Saya evita a Karl para llegar a donde estaban sus hermanos para encontrar el cuerpo de Riku desnudo y cristalizado, pues Diva le dio su sangre a favor a la violación. Joel es herido por Karl en su huida en helicóptero y Saya y Haji se quedan para enfrentar a Diva mientras Kai, también en el helicóptero con un trozo de cristal de Riku con él, mira como su hermana desaparece en medio del mar.