Christie und Dunbar versuchen, durch eine neue gemeinsame Aktivität ihre Ehekrise in den Griff zu bekommen. In einer Wohnung kommt es zu einem Brandanschlag. In der Ruine findet die Feuerwehr die Leiche der bettlägerigen Mutter des Eigentümers. Russo verdächtigt sofort den Hausbesitzer und Feuerwehrmann Dean Bostic. Es kommt zum Konflikt zwischen Polizei und Feuerwehr ... Artie, der Dunbars Hund Hank gefunden und zurückgebracht hat, bittet Dunbar um einen besonderen Gefallen.
After a recommendation from Dr. Galloway to temporarily put aside the problems in their marriage before going to couple's counseling, Christie and Jim set out on a quest to search for a fun and comforting activity to do that will bring them closer together.
Artie Steckle, the man who found Hank asks Jim to talk to his nephew, Pete who has given up on living his life to the fullest after gradually becoming blind due to a disease. Jim attempts to show Pete who wants no help and only to be left alone that there are options out there where he can learn to cope and live a normal life with his blindness.
Meanwhile, an elderly woman is found dead in her bedroom after it was consumed by an arson set fire. The main suspect is the landlord who is also a firefighter, which creates friction as it stirs up old feelings in a conflict of cops vs. firefighters when he accuses Marty of being bias towards him in this investigation due to his profession.
Sur les conseils du docteur Galloway, Christie et Jim décident de chercher une activité amusante qui leur permettrait de se rapprocher et de mettre de l'ordre dans leur couple. Pendant ce temps, Pete, le neveu de Jim, vit sa vie à cent à l'heure depuis qu'il sait qu'il va progressivement perdre la vue...
Mentre Jim aiuta il nipote dell'uomo che ha ritrovato Hank, anch'egli cieco, ed inizia un corso di ballo con la moglie Christie, i detective dell'ottavo distretto indagano su di un incendio che ha provocato la morte di un'anziana donna mentre quest'ultima dormiva nel suo appartamento. Marty entra in aperto conflitto con uno dei residenti, un vigile del fuoco.
En ældre kvinde omkommer under en påsat brand i en bygning, der ejes af en brandmand. Jim Dunbar efterforsker sagen. Og Jim bliver sat på endnu en svær opgave, da manden, der fandt hans hund, beder ham om en tjeneste. En sygdom har gjort hans nevø næsten blind. Nu har den unge mand isoleret sig selv. Kan Jim overbevise ham om, at det er muligt at leve et normalt liv som blind?