Als der Cousin von Sonny, einem Informanten von Dunbar, in seiner Wohnung erschlagen wird, hat Sonny eine Idee: Er schlägt vor, dass Dunbar als blinder Dealer bei Debbie, der Freundin des Toten, auftauchen soll, denn er weiß, dass sein Cousin überraschend zu einer großen Menge Koks gekommen war, die er verkaufen wollte. Dunbar lässt sich auf den Plan ein - doch die Aktion geht gründlich schief und endet damit, dass Dunbar orientierungslos auf fremdem Gelände zurückbleibt ...
Much to the dismay of the detectives at the 8th precinct, Jim's informant sets up a drug deal with Debbie Dyman, the girlfriend of his recently murdered second cousin. Sonny believes that this will help the police in their homicide investigation by giving them good leverage to apprehend and keep Debbie at the squad for questioning about his cousin's murder. The only problem with this deal is that he scheduled it to take place in a few hours with a blind man interested in purchasing the drugs.
After throwing out ideas and discussing other options, it is decided that Jim who is currently having a difficult time in his relationship with Christie will go undercover as the dealer with his colleagues positioned nearby to watch his back. Things don't go exactly as planned when Debbie finally arrives and reveals to Jim that she will be taking him to another location where the drugs are kept in an abandoned broken down locker. Tom and Marty attempt to follow Debbie's car, but are boxed in a
L'indic de Jim l'informe qu'il vient d'organiser une transaction de drogue avec Debbie Diament, l'ex-petite amie de feu son cousin, mort assassiné. Pour Sonny, c'est une occasion de résoudre enfin cette affaire...
Durante un'operazione antidroga a cui Jim è stato costretto a partecipare per colpa di un suo informatore, il cane Hank viene rapito da due spacciatori. Più tardi uno di questi ultimi viene fermato dai detective dell'ottavo distretto, ma sembra non sapere che fine abbia fatto il cane. Karen scopre la verità sulla morte del fidanzato della donna che ha proposto lo scambio della droga.
Stikkeren Sonny skaffer Jim Dunbar problemer på halsen, da han overtaler Jim til at udgive sig for at være narkohandler. Planen er at skaffe beviser i en drabssag, men alt går galt. Jim bliver efterladt på et ukendt sted, mens to skumle typer kører bort i hans bil med Sonny og den dræbtes kone som gidsler. Og som om det ikke er slemt nok, er Jims førerhund Hank stadig i bilen.