Aberdeen brings Minette to Miriam's bedside and gets ready to transfer the core, but Carina magically locates them before he can finish. Carina battles Avril while Leicester fights Aberdeen. Avril and Aberdeen possess mighty battle artifacts and cannot be defeated, but Leicester and Carina are also strong. A particularly large flash draws Minette out from the house: when she sees Leicester and Aberdeen fighting, she interposes herself. Miriam follows and begs everyone to work together and find a way for both of them to live. Leicester and Aberdeen agree to do so, but Garnet suddenly appears calling everyone back to town. The unregulated flow of El is reaching a crisis point and everyone must work together to save the world.
大切な人を守るため、剣を交えるアバディーンさんとレスターさん。お二人はどうしても戦わなくてはならないのでしょうか……? 一方、世界を襲うエール異常の謎がついに解き明かされようとしていました――。