This episode takes place in Soul Society 110 years ago. Most of the Captains have gathered to celebrate the promotion of the 12th Squad Captain to the Royal Guard, known as Zero Squad. Meanwhile, Yoruichi (currently the Captain of Second Squad) has recommended her Third Officer, Urahara Kisuke for the now vacant position. However, Soi Fon is not happy about this and follows Urahara in an attempt to prove he is unworthy of the position. Yoruichi hears of this and mistakenly thinks that Soi Fon has a crush on Urahara. Because of this Yoruichi arranges for her to attend the Captain's Qualification Exam to watch him in action. Although Urahara, is delayed in getting to the exam because of having to capture a group of deserters he makes it in time and manages to pass. As such Urahara Kisuke is appointed as the new Captain of the 12th squad, although vice-captain Aizen Sousuke is less than pleased.
Dans cet épisode, nous sommes 100 ans en arrière et on peut voir quelques changements. A ce moment la Hirako, capitaine de la 5e division et son vice-capitaine Aizen se rendent à une cérémonie. Hiyori est vice-capitaine de la 12e division. Yoruichi à ce moment la capitaine de la 2e division est persuadée que Urahara ferait un bon capitaine contrairement à ce que pense Soi Fon.
110 anni fa il capitano della quinta compagnia era Shinji Hirako. In quel periodo anche tutti gli altri Vizard erano ufficiali di seggio, e il luogotenente della quinta compagnia agli ordini di Hirako era nientemeno che Aizen.
En la Sociedad de Almas, hace 110 años la 13ª División estaba compuesta de caras no familiares. El Capitán de la 5ª es el enmascarado Vizard, Shinji Hirako cuyo paradero actual es el mundo de los vivos.