As Ishida's power fail him, Kariya is about to finish him and Ran'tao off. Ichigo saves them and goes bankai and battles Kariya, they both release powerful attacks.As Ishida is taking Ran'tao away they run into Orihime, Chad and the Mod Souls. Hitsugaya and Matsumoto check up and Ran'tao tells them more about Jokaisho, that there is 10 more and the seal are rusty and it is going to take a lot of kidou to reseal them. Basically all captains and high ranked officers in the Gotei 13 are told to seal them right away.As this happens, Ichinose's finally works his way to where Ichigo and Kariya is battling and ask about Koga and the other Bount as he attacks Ichigo. Ichinose tries to talk Kariya, in his true goal that he really wanted. To fix the Soul Society so it would be a better place or he would kill him. Kariya doesn't care and attacks Ichinose. Kariya releases his doll Messer and the true battle starts.
Kariya libère sa doll, Messer qui est une épée de vent. Il affronte Ichigo sur la colline du Sôkyôku.
Das Finale naht. Ichigo gegen Kariya. Unerwartet taucht Ichinose auf und stürzt sich auf Ichigo, wendet sich dann aber überraschend gegen Kariya.
Ichigo llega justo a tiempo, mientras que Uryu y Rantao luchan contra Kariya. El Capitán Hitsugaya y los demás tratan de ir tras Ichigo pero Rantao los detiene para explicarle el peligro de los Sellos Jokai.
Ichigo chiede a Uryu e a Ran'Tao di andarsene dal luogo dello scontro e attiva il suo Bankai per affrontare Kariya. Intanto, Ran'Tao consegna a Hitsugaya un taccuino contenente l'ubicazione degli altri Emblemi Purificanti.
힘을 다하고 쓰러진 우류와 란타오를 구한 이치고는, 그대로 만해를 해서 카리야와 정면 대결에 들어간다. 란타오는 토우시로에게 정령정 내에 아직 몇 개의 정계장이 더 남아있고, 카리야가 가진 정계장이 해방되면 그 영향으로 동시 폭발이 일어날 수도 있다고 알려준다. 남아있는 정계장을 봉인하기 위해선 모든 사신들의 힘이 필요하다고 판단한 토우시로는, 란기쿠를 야마모토 총대장에게 보내고 자신은 우키타케, 쿄라쿠 대장과 합류한다.
Wanneer Ishida's krachten hem verlaten, staat Kariya op het punt om hem en Ran Tao af te maken. Ichigo redt hen en gaat Bankai als hij Kariya aanvalt.