Der König der Magier erlaubt, dass die Reihenfolge der Kämpfe geändert wird. Langris und sein Team dürfen also sofort gegen Astas Team antreten.
The Wizard King intervenes while Finral's wounds are treated. Asta insults Langris' behaviour as unworthy of a magic knight. Langris requests the Wizard King allow him to fight the Bulls for their semi-final match, then attacks Asta. The Wizard King intervenes with his Time Magic and decides to allow the fight on condition it is fought by exam rules using their normal teams. Many people notice that Langris is not acting like himself. A flashback shows that the Wizard King suspects a magic knight might be a traitor without even realising it and is using the exam to identify the unwitting knight. Langris abandons his teammates and attacks Asta, demanding that he admit Finral is weak and Langris is a true knight. Asta loses body parts but keeps fighting with help from Mimosa's healing magic. Knowing he cannot use his demon power again Asta manoeuvres Langris into Zora's trap. Zora remembers his father, a magic knight who was murdered by his own squad for being a peasant. Zora then took on the character of a doll his father gave him, a warrior who protected the country in secret, and became a vigilante specialising in punishing magic knights who abused their powers.
Alors que le déchaînement de haine de Langris contre son frère devient incontrôlable, les membres du Taureau noir s'interposent pour protéger leur compagnon. La tension est à son comble, et il n'y a pas trente-six manières de la résoudre…
Dopo il salvataggio di Finral da parte dei suoi compagni inizia lo scontro, fuori torneo, tra la squadra di Asta e quella di Langrins.
랭그리스의 돌발행동에 의해 시합 순서가 변경되면서 아스타가 속한 B팀과 랭그리스가 속한 G팀이 갑작스럽게 준결승을 벌인다. 불길하고도 섬뜩한 마력을 뿜어대며 평소보다 호전적인 태도를 보이는 랭그리스와 형 핀랄을 무시하는 랭그리스를 향해 분노를 불태우는 아스타. 잭스는 자신을 동료라고 굳게 믿으며 주저 없이 싸워 나가는 아스타를 보며 어떤 인물을 떠올린다.
La tensión desatada tras el enfrentamiento entre Finral y su hermano Langris se dispara cuando los Toros Negros acuden a ayudar a su compañero.
Langris passa dos limites ao tentar tirar a vida de um dos competidores do Exame dos Cavaleiros Mágicos e Asta não quer deixar isso passar em branco. Além de Asta, Xerx e Mimosa também voltam para batalhar.
بعد هزيمة لانغريس لفينرال، يوقفه أفراد الثيران السوداء قبل أن يقتله، ويقترح بدء نصف النهائي ضد فريق أستا قبل أوانه