Ray odjíždí z Los Angeles. Valerie hledá novou skupinu. Dylan pomáhá Charliemu psát scénář a zjistí, že Andrea je Jessemu nevěrná. Andrea se chce rozvést s Jessem. Peter nechce opustit manželku a Andrea se s ním rozchází. Lenny je propuštěn. Na nátlak studentů chce opustit universitu. David chce, aby s ním Brandon promluvil. Pravý násilník přepadne Donnu, ale David ji zachrání. Brandon nechce příští rok kandidovat na presidenta.
Obwohl das Opfer Lenny von den Vorwürfen des sexuellen Missbrauchs entlastet, wollen ihn erboste Studenten vom Campus jagen. Brandon willigt ein, ihm bei der Suche nach einer neuen Universität zu helfen. Währenddessen überzeugt Valerie Donna davon, dass David Schuld an Rays Abreise ist. Donna bricht deshalb einen heftigen Streit mit David vom Zaun...
Lenny is released, as he has an alibi and the victim (an acquaintance) clears him. He confesses to David that he served time for sexual assault; he may have taken part in a rape while wandering the streets in a drunken stupor during his tour in the gulf. The outraged students try to run Lenny off campus, and Brandon agrees to help him transfer to another school. Valerie convinces Donna that David is to blame for Ray's departure. David and Donna get into a screaming match. Lenny reveals that Garrett Slan, a CU cafeteria worker, also spent time in a military prison. Brandon warns Clare that Garrett may be fixated on her, but he has moved on to Donna. Garrett breaks into the beach apartment, holds Donna at knifepoint, and tries to rape her. David interrupts as he comes over to apologize to Donna. She lets him know that something is amiss by calling him "Dave," and he bursts in and hits Garrett in the head with a baseball bat. Dylan decides to help Charley turn his screenplay into a motion picture. Dylan sees Andrea with Peter at the motel and offers to serve as her confidante. Tired of bickering with Jesse, Andrea plans to leave him for Peter. He informs her that he is not interested in a commitment. Cindy tries to help Jackie get a date. Sparks fly between Jackie and Mel when they run into each other at the Peach Pit. Music: 'S.O.S.' by Cathy Dennis, 'She Don't Use Jelly' performed by Flaming Lips, 'One Night In Heaven' by M People.
Dylan aperçoit Andrea et Peter sortant d'un motel... Lenny vient d'être relâché. Mais la rumeur prétend qu'il fut autrefois condamné pour viol. Les étudiants veulent demander son expulsion de l'université...
Donna incolpa David della partenza di Ray, mentre Clare e Valerie cercano nuovi talenti per il locale. Lenny viene rilasciato grazie al suo alibi ma tutti gli studenti del campus sono convinti della sua colpevolezza. Ma il vero stupratore è libero di colpire ancora e si introduce nell’appartamento sulla spiaggia per violentare Clare ma trova Donna, che viene salvata da David. Dylan scopre Peter e Andrea al motel e dopo aver litigato con Jesse, Andrea decide di chiudere la sua storia con Peter. Mel e Jackie cominciano ad uscire di nuovo insieme.
Lenny se convierte en un apestado cuando pasa a ser sospechoso de la violación en el campus a pesar de sus protestas, lo que le lleva a pedirle a Brandon que le ayude a probar su inocencia. Mientras, el auténtico violador acecha a una desprevenida Donna y la retiene en su apartamento de la playa. Dylan acaba teniendo conocimiento accidental de la aventura de Andrea con Peter al verles juntos en el motel de Charlie. Cuando Andrea decide abandonar a Jesse para estar con Peter, éste revela que no ve las cosas de la misma manera que ella. Por otra parte, Valerie le pide a Steve que consiga al grupo de rock "The Flaming Lips" después de que ella cancelase el compromiso con Ray, y Donna culpa equivocadamente a David por la marcha de Ray después de que Valerie mintiera diciéndole que David fue el responsable de que eso ocurriera.