Expedition chief Jarle Andhøy and his crew sails to the South Pole to raise the Norwegian flag at the pole center in honor of Roald Amundsen 100 years after. But while Jarle and Samuel is on the ice, the Berserk disappear with three of the crew members. For the first time we will take part in the story before, and leading up to the tragic event that took place winter 2011.
Berserk arrives Bali and Fossern has vanished without a trace. When Jarle report him missing at the local police office it doesn't take long before rumors about a white man in the local hospital. The white man proves to be Fossern who lies in a coma, mutilated and severe injured. All indications are that he must have been the victim of some accident, but no one can tell what has happened.
Next stop for Berserk on its rout towards the South Pole is Papua New Guinea in the West Pacific. There a new recruit enlists, the American rocket scientist 'Rocket'. In Papa New-Guniea, the Berserk-crew tries to find a wife for Samuel Massie. By local customs, chances improves considerably with nice jewelry and a large pig. Thus a pig hunt is inevitable, which proves to be quite the challenge.
While Berserk sails in the Pacific, a man on a surfboard caught in the stream is discovered. The surfer, Leonard Banks, is from South Africa, but lives on one of the islands close by. Berserk brings him back to Banks Island. "Lenny" proves to be a great sailor and decides to join Berserks journey to the South Pole.
Berserk sets course towards New Zealand. Jarle pushes his crew hard to ensure they will manage the tough tour in the Southern Ocean. The guys reflect over the next weeks challenges and it becomes obvious that the American, Rocket, is not the right person as a machinist. Berserk need a captain when Jarle is on the ice and Tom Gisle Bellika finally comes on board. He was with Berserk through the Northwest Passage and has always been intended role as captain of the polar voyage. Berserk is now ready for shipping and tons of equipment is loaded on board. The crew is prepared for the toughest part of the expedition to the South Pole.
What thoughts and ideas did the crew of the Berserk have before they embarked on the tough expedition? Were they well enough prepared? This episode shows, in a more documentary production, what was said and done before the expedition ended in tragedy. Berserk finally arrive at McMurdo strait and Antarctica, and at Cape Royds, they pass Shackleton's hut. The plan is that Jarle and Samuel will embark on the ice sheet, while Tom Gisle Bellika, Robert Skåne and Leonard Banks jr. should lie with Berserk in either Horseshoe Bay or Backdoor Bay. While Jarle and Samuel are on the ice, a storm is blowing up in the McMurdo strait and Berserk disappear without a trace.