Having discovered the existence of supernatural creatures, two mysterious strangers Professor Jaggat and Kemp, begin to pursue the three housemates with the objective of eliminating them – by any means necessary. After a night out, George and Mitchell are challenged by two married vampires named Ivan and Daisy. They taunt the pair about Herrick’s murder, but Daisy has something else on her mind. George’s relationship with Nina becomes strained after she discovers she is a werewolf, as they seem to avoid the truth. Annie embraces her new-found confidence by applying for a job at the local pub. The wit and honesty of new doctor Lucy captures Mitchell’s attention.
Mitchell, George et Annie sont suivis par de mystérieux inconnus. Nina et George se sont installés ensemble. L'ambiance entre eux est lourde de sous-entendus et de secrets dissimulés. Mais les troubles que ressent Nina vont bientôt tout expliquer. Ivan, un vampire venu de Bristol, entend bien ne pas laisser impunie la mort d'Herrick. Annie, qui est devenue visible, décide d'en profiter pour trouver un travail. Elle décroche un job dans un bar.
Mitchell, George ed Annie si ritrovano seguiti da due misteriosi stranieri, i professori Jaggat e Kemp, che, una volta scoperta l'esistenza di vampiri, licantropi e fantasmi, sono disposti a tutto per eliminarli. Intanto Annie, che ora è in grado di controllare la sua visibilità agli umani, decide di trovare un lavoro, mentre George fa fatica ad accettare il suo coinvolgimento nella morte di Herrick.
В Бристоле объявляется парочка незнакомцев, которые сразу же пытаются испортить Митчеллу и Джорджу жизнь. Нина пытается справится со своим новым состоянием, а Энни — найти работу.