The fight between Oga and Miki begins, with Miki seemingly beating Oga with ease. He strikes Oga with a technique which Aoi recognizes to be Hakkyokuken, a martial art form from China. Oga continues to fail to hurt Miki, using a variety of "special moves" which don't seem any different from his usual attacks. Miki begins to power up his most powerful technique, which he advises Oga to dodge due to its power. Before he has a chance to use it, he is interrupted by Nanami, the 2nd strongest of the 6 Holy Knights. She is shortly joined by the final knight, Izuma, the strongest of the six. Aoi senses how much power he has and recognizes that they have no hope of defeating him. The students return to their classroom to find a notice, declaring all of the Ishiyama High students who were present on the rooftop expelled. The students go to the Counselor's office to complain, and are told that they have a chance to avoid expulsion - by beating the 6 Holy Knights at a sporting event at the upcoming school festival. The students reluctantly accept and leave the office.
Le combat se poursuit sur un des toits de l’académie Saint-Ishiyama entre quatre des Saints-Chevaliers et la bande à Oga. Miki, ancien camarade de collège de ce dernier, se révèle être un combattant hors pair, adepte d’un art martial chinois particulièrement destructeur. Alors qu’il s’apprête à lancer une attaque spéciale, il est interrompu par les deux derniers des Six Saints-Chevaliers...
La pelea en la terraza del instituto entre el equipo de Oga y los Caballeros Santos está a punto de comenzar. Durante el comienzo sólo se presentaron 4 de los 6 Caballeros y cada uno eligió su oponente. Oga fue el primero en derrotar a Shinjo Alex y después se enfrentó contra Miki, un joven estudiante que parece conocer a Oga y a Furuichi desde su infancia. Una vez que aparece Tojo en el combate, se suspende al presentarse los dos últimos Caballeros que desean darlo por finalizado.
I Rokkisei si mostrano al completo, occhialuto incluso. Alla fine ci sarà la resa di conti. Sì, ma dove?