In order to make up for forgetting his daughter's birthday, Alaindelon brought Angelica to Furuichi's house for a tour of the Human World. Unfortunately while the gifts were being retrieved from Alaindelon, a Yople alien teleported into the human world and escaped. Angelica resolves to track down the Yople, using a demon wand that transforms its user into a Magical Girl. Gathering 4 other girls - Hilda, Azusa, Honoka and Aoi, they form the 5 Fairies of Light and manages to track down the Yople at an amusement park where Tojo was working as part of the cast in a Gohan-kun theatre drama. A rival girl gang challenges Aoi while they were capturing the Yople and a fight ensures. Eventually, Furuichi manages to pin down the Yople and both of them are teleported away with Angelica's ability. Furuichi eventually returns back to the human world through Alaindelon, leaving him to wonder if he was even inside Angelica at all in the first place. Unfortunately, Angelica left before Furuichi could ask her about it.
Furuichi est ravi et fantasme déjà : Angelica, la fille d’Alindolon, va venir visiter le monde des humains. Mais quand cette dernière tente de sortir de son père des cadeaux pour ses hôtes, c’est un Yopple qui débarque et prend la fuite. Il faut absolument le rattraper. Angelica a alors une brillante idée : se servir de sa baguette de magical girl...
Alaindelon le pide a Furuichi si puede traer a su hija a su casa para poder celebrar el cumpleaños que no pudo celebrar hace unos días. Furuichi acepta encantado mientras imagina todas las cosas que hará con ella. Todo comienza cuando Angelica abre a su padre para entregar los regalos del Mundo de los Demonios a la familia de Furuichi y se escapa un Yople. De esta manera, Angelica intentará recatarlo y convertirá a 4 chicas en Chicas Mágicas.
Angelica dovrà dare la caccia all'Alieno Yople e con l'aiuto delle 5 Fate di Luce: Pimpunlu Pampulu Pampoppin!