The delinquent group, MK-5, come to confront Oga, but are promptly beaten by him and Hildegarde, who catches the attention of a smitten Aoi. As Aoi's right hand ladies, Chiaki Tanimura and Nene Oomura confront Oga, Hildegarde, who had heard from Oga about his plans to dump Beelzebub onto Aoi, challenges her to a fight to test her strength. When Aoi returns to find Chiaki and Nene injured, she assumes Oga is responsible and confronts him in a fight. In actuality, Chiaki and Nene were attacked by MK-5, under the orders of Miwa, who desires the title of Queen. Shintarou helps Nene get to Aoi to tell her the truth, but when Miwa makes his move, Oga promptly beats him up. Afterward, Aoi is once again baffled by Oga trying to give her Beelzebub, explaining that he's forced to raise him because of Hildegarde. Later, Aoi decides to quit the Red Tails and put Nene in charge, feeling that she is no longer able to serve as their leader.
Oga n’a pas renoncé à se débarrasser de Beelzebub et reste convaincu que Kunieda est une bonne cliente. Elle-même est troublée par ses deux rencontres avec Oga et semble incertaine des sentiments qu’elle nourrit à son égard. Tout cela n’arrange pas du tout ses deux subordonnées Chiaki et Nene...
La Regina è caduta nella trappola degli MK5 ed ora è sul tetto della scuola, dove si scontrerà con Oga. Nel mentre Baby Bell: "Colpo della Divina scuola di Okuto", miao.
La pandilla de delincuentes MK-5 se enfrentan a Oga, pero rápidamente son derrotados por él y Hilda, la cual llama la atención de Aoi.
Mientras las manos derechas de Aoi, Chiaki Tanimura y Nene Oomura intentan luchar contra Oga, Hilda va en busca de Aoi ya que sabe de las intenciones de Oga de darle a Beelzebub para que sea ella quien lo cuide y la pone a prueba luchando contra ella.
Cuando Aoi regresa, descubre a Chiaki y Nene heridas y asume que ha sido Oga quien las ha dejado así y afronta que tendrá que vérselas con él en serio. Pero de echo, hay alguien en la sombra que está moviendo lo hilos para enfrentarlos.