Ryusuke (along with Beck and Prudence) get kidnapped by Sykes, who takes him to meet his uncle, the bluesman John Lee Davis, who wanted to know who had stolen Prudence. Upon meeting Davis, one of his musical inspirations, Ryusuke has a jam session which overwhelms his idol, so much so he convinces Sykes not to kill him. So, four days after his kidnapping, Ryusuke is returned, badly beaten, but alive (but Sykes keeps Beck and Prudence with him). As he asserts the situation to Taira and Chiba, Koyuki and Saku, who were looking after the fishing pond for Ryusuke, are visited by one of the managers of the Greatful Sound Festival, Kazuo Sato, who is ecstatic to meet Koyuki after seeing him sing in the Dying Breed's tour movie. Koyuki later gets the chance to see himself on the silver screen, along with Maho.
Un hélicoptère arrive en pleine nuit chez Ruysûke, il est emmené de force par les hommes de Mr Sykes. Remarquant l'absence de Ryusûke, de son chien et de Lucille, les autres partent à la recherche de Ryusûke. Mr Sykes conduira Ryusûke jusqu'à John Lee Davis, un grand musicien de blues, le véritable propriétaire de Lucille. Après avoir longuement discuter, Ryusûke et John Lee Davis passent un moment ensemble à jouer de la guitare. John Lee Davis appréciant sa compagnie, Ryusûke est alors relaché. Pendant ce temps, Chiba apporte un magazine à Koyuki dans lequel Maho apparaît en photo. Maho et Koyuki vont voir un film sur les Dying Breed au cinéma...
Il povero Ryusuke viene preso in ostaggio dal burrascoso Leon, rischiando persino la sua vita. Ma quando il ragazzo inizia a suonare un blues con Lucille, il vecchio blues-man (zio di Leon) capisce che forse la sua amata chitarra è davvero finita in buone mani...
Ryusuke (junto con Beck y Lucille) son secuestrados por Sykes, que lo lleva a encontrarse con su tío, el bluesman John Lee Davis, que quería saber quién había robado Lucille. Al encontrarse con Davis, una de sus inspiraciones musicales, Ryusuke tiene una sesión de improvisación que sobrepasa su ídolo, tanto es así que convence a Sykes que no lo mataran.