Ten years ago, many Buranki fell to Earth and were destroyed by Banryuu Reoko and her Buranki, Entei. That was the day Reoko and Entei's reign of terror began. In the present, Azuma and his companions flee Shinjuku and meet a woman named Horino, who tells Azuma that his mother was the only person who ever defeated Reoko. She then tells him there's more he should know, and leads him to the "Kazuki library."
Rescapés de justesse de l'affrontement contre Reiôko Banryû, Azuma et ses amis cherchent un refuge pour se reposer.
Ses nouveaux compagnons mènent notre héros à une certaine Horino, une jeune femme qui en sait beaucoup sur les Bubuki.
Azuma va peut-être obtenir les réponses aux nombreuses questions qui le tourmentent. Mais le danger n'est pas encore écarté pour autant car le cruel Matobai est toujours sur leur piste, et ce n'est qu'une question de temps avant qu'il les retrouve...
반정부 투쟁가였던 호리노를 찾아간 아즈마 일행은 잠시나마 마음 편히 휴식을 취하게 되고 아즈마는 엄마와 부란키에 대해 새로운 정보를 듣게 된다. 그리고 히이라기는 10년 전 그날 부란키가 떨어진 이유를 물으며 아즈마를 몰아세우는데…