As the trio stop by Honnouji on the way back, Hideyoshi reads up on her history of her world, in which Mitsuhide betrayed and killed Nobunaga. Overhearing Mitsuhide talking to herself about potentially killing Nobunaga, Masamune tells her to test her bonds first and gives her some supposedly strong sake. That night, Mitsuhide ties up Hideyoshi and offers the sake to Nobunaga until she passes out, before setting the inn she is on fire. Before walking into the flames herself, Hideyoshi breaks free and stands before Mitsuhide, telling her that she should face her feelings before heading inside to search for Nobunaga. As Mitsuhide goes in after her, she finds Nobunaga, who stops her from throwing her life away by reminding her how important she is to her. When Mitsuhide stops breathing as a result of taking in too much smoke, Nobunaga performs CPR on her to bring her back. As Hideyoshi continues to search the burning building, she discovers Masamune attempting to steal the Crimson Armor. As she awakens after being saved by her, Hideyoshi comes to realization that Masamune is actually her teacher. As Masamune escapes with the armor, she is confronted by Ieyasu.
ついに全ての甲冑が揃った! ノブナガたちは残りの甲冑が置いてある安土城へ。その途中、本能寺に立ち寄る一同。歴史が苦手なヒデヨシでも本能寺という言葉に聞き覚えが! 歴史の教科書には「明智光秀が織田信長を討つ」との記述があるが、まさか…!? 一方、精神的に追いつめられていたミツヒデは、マサムネの助言をうけ、ついに行動を起こす。すべては愛ゆえに…。