Wrth i Elin gyrraedd y carchar yn y bore, yn cario cyffuriau i Kit, mae hi'n cael sioc wrth glywed bod y carchar yn cael adolygiad y diwrnod hwnnw. Gyda'r cyffuriau yn gorfod aros ar y tu allan, mae Barry'n cael traed oer ac yn penderfynu nag allith o helpu Elin rhagor. Mae Kit yn colli amynedd gyda phawb sy'n gweithio iddo ac yn bygwth Elin, ond mae hi'n llwyddo i ddod o hyd i'r nerth i dorri'n rhydd o'r diwedd. Mae digwyddiadau'r wythnosau diwethaf yn torri Barry, ond mae ei berthynas gyda Lin
As Elin arrives at the prison in the morning, carrying drugs for Kit, she is shocked to hear that the prison is undergoing an inspection that day. With the drugs having to stay outside, Barry gets cold feet and decides he can't help Elin anymore. Kit loses patience with everyone who works for him and threatens Elin, but she finally manages to find the strength to break free. The events of the last few weeks breaks Barry, but his relationship with Linda helps him come to terms with what has happe