Mashiro and Takagi discuss how to improve the concept behind the story, now known as Detective Trap, and Takagi begins looking over many detective stories that Hattori sent him. The two meet with Hattori, insisting on proceeding with Detective Trap while still in high school, and Hattori tells them that in order to get serialized, Detective Trap must do well in the Golden Cup, and they must bring him a 19-page story every two weeks to show that they can do so every week with assistants. They succeed in keeping up in spite of the difficulty involved in doing so, and are officially entered into the contest.
Engañando a Hattori, Akito y Saiko volverán a trabajar juntos y el género elegido se les amoldará mejor, cosa que su editor no podrá negar. Sin embargo, con la intención de ganen experiencia, Hattori les mostrará parte del ritmo verdadero de una serialización por lo que los someterá a una dura prueba. ¿Serán capaces de superarla?
Mori und Akito haben sich wieder zusammengerauft. Ihr Redakteur findet ihren Entwurf für einen Krimi-Manga sehr vielversprechend, aber er stellt den Jungs hammerharte Bedingungen…
É hora do casamento de Takagi e Miyoshi. Mashiro ainda não tem certeza se Tanto se encaixa no estilo deles e acaba discutindo com Hattori, que se recusa a opinar sobre o mangá.