Summer ends without Mashiro hearing back from Takagi, and Takagi returns the key to Mashiro's uncle's apartment, apologizing for failing to come up with a name in time but resolving to become a manga writer. Mashiro meets with Hattori, who is impressed with his idea of a detective who cons criminals into exposing themselves, but doubts he can succeed without Takagi's help. Hattori learns that Takagi is also intending to make a mystery, but does not reveal Mashiro's story to him until another editor asks Mashiro to illustrate a runner-up for Story King. Hattori then plans for Mashiro and Takagi to work on their detective story for two years before it gets serialized, without having either tell the other. Mashiro struggles to write a name on his own, but Takagi approaches him and shows him five names, one of which is a detective story. Mashiro and Takagi decide to work together again, and to work on their detective story for the next six months.
L'estate volge al termine senza che Takagi abbia presentato a Mashiro alcuna idea nuova, finisce così col restituirgli la chiave dello studio scusandosi per non esser stato capace di portargli un name in tempo utile.
La separación de la joven pareja de mangakas hará que cada uno camine por su lado sin saber lo que el otro realmente piensa. Hattori se dará cuenta de algo muy importante entre los dos, así que urdirá un plan para juntarlos de nuevo, pues talento hay.
Mori und Akito geraten in eine schwere Krise! Sollten sie sich lieber trennen und ihre Mangaka-Träume jeder für sich allein verfolgen?
Takagi vai à casa de Miyoshi para anunciar o noivado aos pais dela. As duas famílias têm uma ligação surpreendente e tudo vai bem entre eles.