Sometime in the near future, the Korean peninsula attempts to reunify. The South Korean government, which needs enormous funds for the unification to succeed, develops a landmark new technology called the TWR. The TWR is a high speed nuclear reactor and other countries want the technology.
To prevent terror in the aftermath of the TWR breakthrough, the government establishes a new organization named NTS (National Anti-Terror Service). Jung-woo (Jung Woo-sung) is transferred to the NTS group from the NIS. He's excited about the transfer and hopes to live the life of a real agent, but then discovers his main responsibility is to watch North Korean defectors.
One day, Jung-woo is given the order to travel to Italy to track terrorists from North Korea. Jung-woo goes to Italy with Ki-soo (Kim Min-jong). Ki-soo is a former North Korean agent who has defected to South Korea. Ki-soo's specialty is information on the European region. Up until now, Ki-soo was one of the North Korean defectors that Jung-woo had to monitor.
While in Italy, Soo-young (Lee Bo-young), the daughter of the South Korean President Jo Myeong-ho (Lee Jeong-kil), is kidnapped by terrorists. To solve the case the Korean government sends additional NTS agents including Jae-hee (Lee Ji-ah) to Italy. The NTS agents are able to negotiate with the terrorists, but during their negotiations Hye-in (Soo-ae) suddenly appears. Jung-woo and the other agents are surprised. Hye-in works as a guide at the exhibition hall in the NIS building. Jung-woo has always held strong feelings towards Hye-in, but he has never expressed his feelings towards her. Following Hye-in, Son-hyuk (Cha Seung-won), the chief of the East Asia branch of Department of Homeland Security in the U.S., suddenly appears as well. The NTS agents are mystified by their appearance.
Jung-woo learns that there is a secret "solutions" group within the NTS whose sole responsibility is to solve problems that others agencies can not. More surprisingly, Hy
Un groupe terroriste connu sous le nom d'"Athéna" et mené par le cerveau démoniaque, Son Hyuk, menace la Corée du Sud et le monde. Il est maintenant temps pour l'agent spécial Lee Jung Woo de l'Agence de Sécurité Nationale (services secrets) de déjouer leur terrifiante conspiration. Jo Soo Young, la fille du président sud-coréen est kidnappée et cachée en Italie. Jung Woo et son équipe ont pour ordres de la retrouver et de la ramener au pays.
Un gruppo terroristico conosciuto come "Athena" gestito dalla diabolica mente di Son Hyuk, suo leader, minaccia la Corea del Sud e il mondo. Spetterà all'agente speciale Lee Jung Woo dell'NSA (Agezia di Sicrezza Nazionale) sventare la loro terribile cospirazione. Jo Soo Young, la figlia del Presidente Sud Coreano, viene rapita e tenuta prigioniera in Italia. A Jung Woo ed alla sua squadra verrà affidato il compito di trovarla e riportala indietro.
'아이리스'의 '스핀오프'격 작품으로 한국에서 개발된 신형 원자로를 둘러싼 국제 테러 위협에 대처하기 위한 NTS요원들의 이야기를 다룬 드라마다.
Террористическая группа, известная как «Афина» и возглавляемая злым гением Сон Хёком, угрожает Корее и всему миру. Теперь всё зависит от агента Ли Чжон У из Агентства Национальной Безопасности. Сможет ли он раскрыть замыслы террористической группировки? Чо Су Ён, дочь президента Южной Кореи, похищена и спрятана в Италии. Чжон У и его команде дана задача найти её и вернуть обратно.
Un grupo terrorista conocido como "Athena" y liderado por el cerebro perverso Son Hyuk amenaza a Corea del Sur y el mundo. Corresponde ahora al agente especial Lee Jung Woo del NTS ( Servicio Nacional Antiterrorista) para hacer fracasar su conspiración aterradora.
Jo Soo Young, la hija del presidente de Corea del Sur, es secuestrada y escondida en Italia. Jung Woo y su equipo tienen la tarea de encontrarla y traerla de vuelta.