Joan is disappointed to be pulled from combat, but is trying to make the best of it now that she's back home. She's upset to learn that Roland still plans on taking the new job. Denise attends to Latasha's son when he is rushed to the emergency room. Gloria receives her divorce papers and on top of that must find a new place to live. Maggie and Eddie adjust to their new home, but the blended family continues to bump heads. In Afghanistan, the men are moved to a remote and dangerous outpost.
Joan est déçue d'être renvoyé du combat. Le fils de Latasha est aux urgences. Gloria reçoit ses papiers de divorce alors que Maggie et Eddie s'adaptent à leur nouvelle maison. Les soldats sont déployés vers un poste dangereux en Afghanistan.
Joan cerca di abituarsi alla vita domestica dopo essere stata allontanata dal campo di battaglia. Gloria riceve i documenti per il divorzio. Denise si occupa del figlio di Latasha che è stato portato al pronto soccorso. I soldati in Afghanistan sono spostati in un punto remoto e molto pericoloso del paese.
Joan regresa a casa y se muestra muy disconforme con Roland por llevarse con él a los niños tres meses a Baltimore. Hope ofrece a Gloria la posibilidad de compartir su piso con ella. Mientras tanto, Héctor, Truman y Montclaire son destinados a la base Reno.