Heavy rain keeps the girls from their usual gondola practice, so instead they spend the day at Himeya. They start off studying at first, but when their minds drift off to what nicknames they'll take as Primas, Akira steps in and gives them some good old-fashioned paperwork to do. Even that can't get Aika down, however... because she's noticed lately that people whisper to each other when she walks past. Does that mean she's finally being recognized for her skills as an Undine?
Aika nota che alcune Prima della Himeya la osservano e se ne compiace, credendo lo facciano perché riconoscono il suo miglioramento, ma poi scopre che in realtà sparlavano di Akira.
En esta época del año, cuando el verano se convierte en otoño, llueve mucho en Neo-Venezia, y Akari y los demás practican bajo techo como una sesión de práctica habitual. Sin embargo, los intereses de los tres tienden a descarrilarse. Hoy, el tema de los "nombres de calles" que solo están permitidos para prima es un tema candente. Alicia, Akira y Atenea. Todo el mundo tiene un bonito "nombre de calle". y luego….