Jinta geht wieder zur Schule, wie er Anaru versprochen hat. Poppo bereitet für alle fünf Kindheitsfreunde ein Barbecue vor. Genau wie schon Poppo, behauptet beim Wiedersehen auch Atsumu "Yukiatsu" Matsuyuki, dass er Menma gesehen habe.
After being pestered by Menma, Jinta heads towards school, but changes his mind when faced with insults from Naruko's friends. He goes to see Tetsudō, who claims he saw Menma the previous night. Jinta arrives home where Menma had attempted to make muffins that Jinta's late mother used to make, though she claims she didn't go around Tetsudō's place the previous night. The next day, Tetsudō decides to hold a 'Menma Search Party' barbecue event for the others.
Jintan décide d'aller à nouveau au lycée, pensant qu'il s'agit peut-être du vœu de Menma, et aussi pour tenir sa promesse envers Anaru.
Jinta decide di tornare a scuola, convinto che quello sia il desiderio di Menma, mantenendo così la promessa fatta ad Anaru.
멘마가 바라고 있는 것은 어쩌면 '진탄' 이 학교에 가는것 일지도 모른다고 생각한 '진탄'은, '아나루' 와의 약속도 겸해서 등교하기로 결심한다.
Poppo está decidido a ayudar a Menma a cumplir su deseo, así que organiza una fiesta para reunir a todo el viejo grupo.