Master Li is reunited with his unconscious daughter Xing Hong, now known as Glass Heart. Li decides to liquidate Cho, one of his ambitious lieutenants, who was behind the assassination attempt and who ordered the Qing Long unit to kill Glass Heart. Genbu and Xin Hong race to kill Cho but Xin Hong is stopped by Grand Chamberlain Chen, Master Li's right-hand man to allow Genbu to punish Cho, however he is sniped first by Ryo. Ryo reveals Glass Heart's real name, Xiang Ying, to Xin Hong and suggests that Xin Hong should be the one to tell her. Xin Hong later finds out that she is also Master Li's daughter. While unconscious, Glass Heart again communicates with Kaori about her relationship with Ryo whom she sees as a father figure. When Glass Heart awakes, she calls Ryo "papa" and later asks him to be her father. Ryo accepts, realizing that she is the child that he and Kaori could never have.
L'unité Dragon Bleu est anéantie par les Tortue Noire, la garde rapprochée de monsieur Li, venue à la rescousse du groupe de Ryô. Glass Heart, qui s'était blessée volontairement pour parvenir à rejoindre Xin-Hong emmené par les Tortue Noire, finit par s'évanouir. Son père, monsieur Li, en profite pour prendre pour la première fois sa fille dans ses bras. Quant à Zhang, le chef du Dragon Bleu qui avait trahi monsieur Li en ordonnant son assassinat et avait fait porter le chapeau à Glass Heart, il est éliminé.
Dopo aver sventato i piani del Qinglong, Ryo si appresta a tornare alla sua solita vita. Ma una inaspettata decisione potrebbe cambiare il corso della sua vita.