Kanmuri Seijriou believes that the mystery of the moving figurines should be solved, but Haruto refuses to to help. That's when a fourth moving figurine appears before his eyes, Subaru - a character from Striking Fist 3.
Seijirô Kanmuri vient rendre visite à Haruto à qui il propose d'étudier le mystère des figurines animées. Il en profite aussi pour introduire dans l'appartement une nouvelle venue : Subaru Amanohara, un personnage d'un jeu vidéo de combat…
Uma nova estatueta aparece e ela possui muitos segredos embaraçosos que Haruto sabe. Para compensar isso, o que ele faz acaba enfurecendo Nona.
為了查明會動的figure的謎團,冠成次郎來到了春人家。然而春人卻拒絕提供協助。在這個時候第四隻會動的figure,格鬥遊戲「STRIKING FIST Ⅲ」的角色,昴在他的面前現身了。
Seijiro Kan, quien vino a desentrañar el misterio de una figura en movimiento. Sin embargo, Haruto se niega a cooperar. Lo que apareció frente a él fue la cuarta figura en movimiento, Subaru. Era un personaje de "Fighting Game Striking Fist III".
Kanmuri Seijriou believes that the mystery of the moving figurines should be solved, but Haruto refuses to to help. That's when a fourth moving figurine appears before his eyes, Subaru - a character from Striking Fist 3.