Da er ein unsterblicher „Ajin“ ist, weiß Kei Nagai auch, dass er ab sofort gejagt werden wird. Also wendet er sich an die einzige Person, der er vertrauen kann.
A gun battle takes place in Africa in which a single western soldier outguns many locals, no matter how many times he is killed. He is eventually felled by tranquilizer darts and removed in a U.S. Top Secret body bag. Later, in Japan, Kei Nagai is leaving school, lost in his thoughts, crossing the road, when he is hit and killed by a truck. Within moments, he begins to recover and discovers he is an immortal Ajin, the third in Japan. The bystanders and students realize it too and begin to see the opportunity to receive a large reward for his capture. In shock, Kei screams which immobilizes everyone, allowing him to escape. The police and Yu Tosaki of the government Ajin branch converge on the scene. Kei manages to meet up with Kaito, an old trusted friend, and they flee on his motorcycle.
Kei Nagai découvre qu'il est un Ajin immortel, ce qui en fait une cible. Il se tourne alors vers la seule personne de confiance pour l'aider.
Dopo avere scoperto di essere un "Ajin", ovvero un immortale, Kei Nagai capisce che verrà perseguitato e si rivolge all'unica persona di cui si può fidare.
자신이 불멸의 "아인"이라는 사실을 깨달은 케이 나가이는 추격을 당할 것임을 직감하고 유일하게 믿을 수 있는 한 사람을 찾아간다.
Tras descubrir que es un "Ajin" inmortal, Kei Nagai sabe que se convertirá en un blanco, por lo cual busca la ayuda de la única persona en quien puede confiar.
หลังจากค้นพบว่าเขาเป็น "อาจิน" ที่อมตะ เค นากาอิก็รู้ว่าเขาจะต้องถูกตามล่า ดังนั้นเขาจึงขอความช่วยเหลือจากคนคนเดียวที่ไว้ใจได้
Ao descobrir que é um Ajin, e assim tornando-se perseguido pela polícia, Kei procura pela única pessoa que poderia ajudá-lo.