All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Adventures in Time

    • January 1, 2005

    Welcome to Sheldrake Academy! Here you meet our four friends Nevin, Fire, Kikko and Paul. Watch as The Hacker infects Professor Krupnik's ingenious computer program with his evil Agents. That evening, the four Adventurers find out that something has gone terribly wrong in the computer lab. What has happened to Prof. Krupnik and his fascinating test launch into the past? Follow them through Prof. Krupnik's Time Vortex to the Roman Empire. Together with the Professor's unique hand-held computer @, they find something very strange and dangerous is going on... and they must find Krupnik before history is changed forever!

  • S01E02 Escape from Pompeii

    • January 8, 2005

    The evil Hacker's plot to destroy time continues. As soon as the Adventurers arrive in Misenum they meet a young boy, Gaius (Pliny the Younger - the author who described the eruption of Mount Vesuvius). The teens and Gaius are arrested by two centurions (really The Hacker's two evil Agents) and brought to the Gladiators' arena in Pompeii. A female gladiator, Edwina, helps them to escape and get back to Misenum just in time to save themselves and escape the historical eruption.

  • S01E03 Paul Revere’s Heroic Ride

    • January 15, 2005

    The Adventurers travel to Boston, 1775 - the night of Paul Revere's heroic ride which prevents the revolutionary leaders Samuel Adams and John Hancock from being arrested by British troops. The Agents have put something in Revere's drink, which makes him too sick to ride himself. Paul, the Adventurer, must ride instead! The American Revolution begins!

  • S01E04 A Midsummer Night’s Conspiracy

    • January 22, 2005

    The Adventurers meet Queen Elizabeth, William Shakespeare and the power hungry Lord Essex in 1601. Together with The Hacker's two Agents, Lord Essex plans a conspiracy against the Queen. During the premiere of Shakespeare's new play the Agents take over the stage and try to capture her - but the Adventurers know their Shakespeare! Thanks to their grand performance, they are able to save the Queen's life - and Shakespeare's career as well!

  • S01E05 Mutiny at Sea

    • January 29, 2005

    Our destination is Southern Argentina, 1520 by ship. In order to prevent Magellan from discovering the passage to the Pacific Ocean, The Hacker's evil Agents trigger a mutiny by stealing the crew's food supply. Though our four Adventurers are able to secure the food, the Agents are not about to give up and the ship faces more unexpected and fierce attacks at their hands. Only through the Adventurers' combined courage is Magellan able to find the famous passage.

  • S01E06 An Artistic Disaster

    • February 5, 2005

    The Adventurers travel back to Florence in the year 1503. Here the Agents are trying to prevent Leonardo from painting his famous "Mona Lisa". Using many of Leonardo's amazing inventions to chase after The Hacker's evil Agents, the kids are able to save Leonardo who has been kidnapped. During the sitting for her portrait, the kids bring some delicious pastries, causing Signora del Giocondo to come up with her famous smile!

  • S01E07 The Pharaoh’s Return

    • February 12, 2005

    The Adventurers meet Howard Carter in 1926 just as he is about to discover Tutankhamen's tomb. When Tutankhamen's mummy (really one of the Agents) suddenly comes back to life and forces the Egyptian Monarch, King Fuad, to resign, the Adventurers discover the scheme. They foil the Agents' plan by finding the real mummy and returning King Fuad to his people.

  • S01E08 The Wildest West

    • February 19, 2005

    It's the late 19th Century and the Adventurers board "Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show" train. Also traveling on the train is Grand Duke Alexis who plays a major role in Russia's sale of Alaska - The Hacker has sent his Agents to stop the sale. The Agents are close to demolishing the train in an explosion. With the help of Buffalo Bill and Annie Oakley, the Adventurers are able to rescue the Grand Duke's life and secure the future.

  • S01E09 Perilous Mountain

    • July 19, 2006

  • S01E10 If the Bell Never Rang

    • July 20, 2006

    The Adventurers travel back to 1953 where they meet Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay - the first men to climb Mount Everest. The Agents disguise themselves as terrifying Yetis to scare away the climbing team, stealing their food and oxygen tanks along the way. Following The Hacker's Agents into a cave, our four friends almost freeze to death, saved only at the last minute by two real Yetis. These Yetis give the Agents a taste of their own medicine and scare the cowards away.

  • S01E11 Bridge to the New World

    • July 21, 2006

    Since it's freezing cold at Sheldrake, our four friends are not amused when they discover that they must travel back to the Ice Age. Landing right in the middle of nowhere and in the midst of miles of tundra, the Adventurers meet a little girl called Esha. She belongs to the tribe that is about to cross the Bering Strait - the tribe which will become the first Native Americans. During a ritual, two Shamans (The Hacker's Agents) warn the tribe away from crossing the bridge to the "new world"

  • S01E12 A Healing Remedy

    • July 24, 2006

    The Adventurers travel to England, 1835, where they meet the 15 year old Florence Nightingale. Her mother is perturbed about Florence's "nursing thing" and wants her to get married instead. Our four friends know that a marriage would prevent Florence from becoming the mother of modern nursing. When a false suitor (one of The Hacker's Agents) is invited to dinner the Adventurers' anti-marriage strategies are a hit!

  • S01E13 Countdown to Danger

    • July 25, 2006

    The Adventurers land near Tyuratam, Russia in 1961 where The Hacker's Agents are plotting to stop the first manned space flight. The kids meet young Alexi who leads them through an underground labyrinth to the launch pad. Overjoyed and excited at meeting the famous Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, they barely notice that he is really one of the Agents. Will there be enough time left to find the real Yuri Gagarin?

  • S01E14 Hot Air Rising

    • July 26, 2006

    The Adventurers travel back to Versailles in 1783, the night before the Montgolfier brothers' first manned flight in a hot air balloon. The Hacker's Agents collaborate with a Duke who has kidnapped King Louis XVI and is plotting to take over the monarchy. Join our heroes as they take their first balloon ride, outsmarting everyone, while saving the King's life and honor.

  • S01E15 Court of the Khan

    • July 27, 2006

    The Adventurers arrive at Kublai Khan's Palace in 1292 where everyone is eagerly awaiting Marco Polo's return. Through false accusations, The Hacker's Agents cause Marco to fall out of grace with the Khan. Using the stars to guide them and many of the fantastic fireworks Marco has brought back, the four heroes save Marco from getting thrown in the dungeon. Marco Polo's famous travel books can now be written.

  • S01E16 Missed Flight

    • July 28, 2006

    The coordinates are North Carolina in 1903. Here the Adventurers observe two men running along the coast flapping their arms like birds. After having found the first flying machine in a hangar, the kids realize that they have just met the Wright brothers. When The Hacker's Agents sabotage the machine, the kids use @ to download the construction plans from the net from the future and spend a very long night repairing it in time for the famous take-off.

  • S01E17 Minuet of Mayhem

    • July 31, 2006

    Kikko is rehearsing for a recital when the Adventurers have to leave for Versailles 1764. They land right in the middle of another rehearsal - but this time it's the seven year old Mozart who is preparing for an important concert. The evil Agents are up to their vile tricks again and must be stopped. When The Hacker's Agents sell Mozart to a gypsy musician, it's Kikko who must step in and cover for Mozart until her friends are able to bring Wolfgang back - just in time.

  • S01E18 Seizing the High Seas

    • August 1, 2006

    Landing on the deck of a ship in 1718, the four friends are overjoyed to meet Anne Bonny - one of history's very few female pirates. It takes the Adventurers some time to figure out that it's not Anne they must save from being arrested by the British Navy. It is Ben, the cabin boy, whom they must protect. As it turns out, Ben is actually the young Benjamin Franklin and the true reason for their journey. After much excitement and adventure the friends are able to persuade Ben to go back to his "boring" life on shore.

  • S01E19 Stealing the Sun

    • August 2, 2006

    This time the Adventurers travel back in time to 14th century Peru, landing in Cuzco, the exhilarating capital of the Incan empire. The Hacker's Agents plan to steal the holy Disc of the Sun and overthrow the Incas. Befriending the young girl Miro and some interesting animals such as llamas and a jaguar, the intrepid teens are able to save the Incan Empire from chaos and ruin.

  • S01E20 Silence Projected

    • August 3, 2006

    What does an eerie graveyard have to do with the Adventurers' mission? Travel back to Southern California - it's 1927 and the setting is Hollywood! The four Adventurers get to experience the exciting studio atmosphere, meet a crazy director and take part in an audition - all the while never forgetting to secure the making of the "talkie" - the first film ever to be produced with sound.

  • S01E21 Let the Games Begin

    • August 4, 2006

    The Adventurers land in Olympia in 776 B.C and witness the first Olympic Games. At first it looks as though the games are not going ahead. Naturally The Hacker's evil Agents are behind this and the Adventurers must put an end to their scheme. Using their intelligence and strength, two of the friends partake in their own little Olympics. Unable to physically beat the Agents, they are nevertheless able to fulfill their mission and save the Olympic Games for generations to come.

  • S01E22 A March of Victory

    • August 7, 2006

    It's 1930 and the four Adventurers land amongst the participants of Gandhi's Salt March, heading for the Indian coast. Shortly before they reach their destination, the Agents manage to lead Gandhi and our heroes deep into the jungle. Thanks to Gandhi's patience and understanding and the Adventurers' cleverness they are able to finally reach Dandi-by-the-Sea. Here, Gandhi gives his famous speech, part of a major step in the non-violent struggle for India's independence.

  • S01E23 A Light in the Darkness

    • August 8, 2006

    The Adventurers arrive in Paris. It is the year 1844 and they meet a young blind girl called Simone and her teacher Louis Braille. The Hacker's Agents are trying to sabotage Braille and his new system of writing for the visually impaired. The school's insensitive director strongly disapproves of teaching the handicapped, but fighting against the odds the four friends arrive just in time to foil the Agents' plan, allowing the presentation of the brilliant system to take place and teach the director a lesson.

  • S01E24 Law and Disorder

    • August 9, 2006

    The Adventures travel back to Chicago in the prohibition era, where both Gangster Al Capone and Eliot Ness, Chief of the famous "Untouchables", are attracted to an opera singer. An opera performance and then a wild ride through the streets of Chicago give the Adventurers a firsthand taste of the late "roaring twenties". The kids also manage to prevent an attempt on Ness' life by the legendary Al Capone.

  • S01E25 The Black Knight

    • August 10, 2006

    The Adventurers find themselves in medieval France, shortly before Eleanor of Aquitaine leaves the country to marry Henry of Anjou. One of their future sons will be Richard the Lion-Heart and another will be King John - signatory of the Magna Carta - the basis of all democratic governments. However, The Hacker's Agents kidnap Eleanor to prevent the marriage from ever taking place. High adventure full of treason and tournaments take their toll, until the four friends are able to get history back on track.

  • S01E26 The Secret of the Sphinx

    • August 11, 2006

    This time The Hacker is targeting the Sphinx during Napoleon's occupation of Egypt. To their surprise the Adventurers discover that Prof. Krupnik is captive in a virtual prison inside the Sphinx. For the first time they meet The Hacker and realize that he has prepared his final and most vicious blow to disrupt history. The kids and Krupnik narrowly escape The Hacker's attempt to send them back to the Ice Age and only have minutes to prevent the Sphinx from being blown up. Worst of all their only way home is still on the Sphinx and the clock is ticking.