Tanba takes to the mound. After two fastballs Tanba has an 0-2 count lead. Miyuki calls for a curveball, but the curve proves to be low and inside, coming close to a past ball. Miyuki makes a dramatic save, keeping the one-run lead for Seido. Seeing that Tanba had the pitch, even though he didn't have the control, Miyuki calls for another curve and gets Sanada to strike out. In the top half of the ninth Seido manages to score two runs, going up 8-5. After Furuya grounds into a double play, Kataoka decides to gamble. Furuya is pulled from the game. Tanba is left to face the bottom of the order with a 3-run lead. If even one runner gets on board though, Tanba will have to face off with Raichi. Will Tanba manage to hold on? This episode covers chapters 113 to 115.
Tanba entre enfin en jeu pour seconder les trois autres lanceurs de l'équipe. Est-il suffisamment remis de sa blessure et réussira-t-il a maintenir le score face à Yakushi ?
8회초 2사 1, 3루에 점수차는 한 점. 이 위기상황에서 세이도의 마운드에 오른 것은 에이스 탄바였다. 그리고 상대타자는 야쿠시의 에이스, 사나다. 게임의 운명을 결정지을 수 있는 국면에서 에이스 vs 에이스의 대결이 펼쳐진다.