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All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Baby Walsh-McDowell

    • November 2, 1998
    • TLC

    A couple seek advice from friends on the upcoming birth of their baby, including infant CPR and epidurals.

  • S01E02 Baby Edwards-Lewandowsky

    • November 3, 1998
    • TLC

    An interracial couple who grew up in single-parent homes plans to instill a sense of confidence in their children.

  • S01E03 Baby Sanders

    • November 4, 1998
    • TLC

    Nicole and Tranell named their firstborn Zanzele, and now await the birth of their second child.

  • S01E04 Baby Weiss-Willis

    • November 4, 1998
    • TLC

    Strict Jews Natalie and Aaron follow the Bradley method of natural childbirth for their third child.

  • S01E05 Baby Rodekuhr

    • November 5, 1998
    • TLC

    Nicole and her husband, Jeremy, train with a hypnotist to help Nicole overcome her fear of needles.

  • S01E06 Baby McAlpine-Sennett

    • November 6, 1998
    • TLC

    Robin, who became pregnant unexpectedly, and Steve convert Robin's home office into a nursery.

  • S01E06 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E07 Baby Lambert

    • November 9, 1998
    • TLC

    After 13 years of marriage and a daughter, Norman and Jane prepare for another pregnancy.

  • S01E08 Baby Basangan

    • November 9, 1998
    • TLC

    Eric and Sarah embrace first-time parenthood.

  • S01E09 Baby Szekely

    • November 10, 1998
    • TLC

    A couple prepare their toddler for the arrival of a new baby

  • S01E10 Baby Panec

    • November 10, 1998
    • TLC

    After one miscarriage, a couple prepare for the birth of their son.

  • S01E11 Baby Munoz

    • November 23, 1998
    • TLC

    Manny and Damaris had a long and difficult journey in achieving pregnancy.

  • S01E12 Baby McGee

    • November 25, 1998
    • TLC

    Newlyweds are told they have a two-year window of opportunity to conceive, due to medical problems.

  • S01E13 Baby Rachwal

    • December 2, 1998
    • TLC

    Karen and Steve hope to deliver their second child at home.

  • S01E14 Baby Marks

    • December 3, 1998
    • TLC

    Shara and Jonathan, expecting a baby girl, accept help from their mothers.

  • S01E15 Baby Zelonky

    • December 28, 1998
    • TLC

    Expecting their third child, Barbara manages Rob's career while at home with their two children.

  • S01E16 Baby Thornton

    • December 31, 1998
    • TLC

    Sophia and David plan for the home birth of their second baby.

  • S01E17 Baby Werkman

    • December 31, 1998
    • TLC

    Sarah and Russell expect their first baby, who will be the first grandchild for both sides of the family.

  • S01E18 Baby Tamkin

    • December 31, 1998
    • TLC

    A couple whose first pregnancy ended in miscarriage is expecting another baby.

  • S01E19 Baby Odend'hal

    • February 8, 1999
    • TLC

    A couple, who lost their first baby eight days after birth, prepares for their third child.

  • S01E20 Baby Nezhad

    • February 9, 1999
    • TLC

    Michelle and Nick, married for seven years, plan to expose their children to both Christian and Muslim religions.

  • S01E21 Baby Dunn

    • February 10, 1999
    • TLC

    Mike and Sepherteen Dunn plan to raise their first child in a bilingual household.

  • S01E22 Baby Wiseman

    • February 11, 1999
    • TLC

    Jo Anna and Bob expect their first child together.

  • S01E23 Baby Fleischer-Berliner

    • February 19, 1999
    • TLC

    Professional pianists study natural childbirth and meditational breathing for the birth of their second child.

  • S01E24 Baby Blankenhorn

    • February 22, 1999
    • TLC

    A couple -- one an atheist, the other a strict Greek Orthodox -- await their second child.

  • S01E25 Baby West-Lively

    • February 24, 1999
    • TLC

    Couple prepare for the birth of their first child.

  • S01E26 Baby Carey

    • February 25, 1999
    • TLC

    A couple finally conceives after several years of trying.

  • S01E27 Baby Burnette

    • March 19, 1999
    • TLC

    After years of infertility and complications from endometriosis, Nancy and Kevin prepare for their second child.

  • S01E28 Baby Johnson-Gilmartin

    • March 24, 1999
    • TLC

    A couple living on a military base prepare for the birth of their baby.

  • S01E29 Baby Norr

    • March 26, 1999
    • TLC

    A problem in day care leads a couple to rely on a single income.

  • S01E30 Baby Lenick

    • April 5, 1999
    • TLC

    A couple prepare for their fourth child with a photographer who captures the pregnancy on film.

  • S01E31 Baby Morgan

    • September 27, 1999
    • TLC

    A couple hire a body-cast sculptor to commemorate the birth of their first child.

  • S01E32 Baby Litterell

    • September 27, 1999
    • TLC

    Disc jockeys prepare for the birth of their first child.

  • S01E33 Baby Lantz

    • September 28, 1999
    • TLC

  • S01E34 Baby Sers

    • September 28, 1999
    • TLC

    A surprise pregnancy thrills a couple, who attend Lamaze class and a baby shower before the birth.

  • S01E35 Baby Nolin

    • September 29, 1999
    • TLC

    A family of five prepares for a baby sister.

  • S01E36 Baby Cowsill

    • September 29, 1999
    • TLC

    A disc jockey and his wife have a coed baby shower before the birth of their daughter.

  • S01E37 Baby Berger

    • September 30, 1999
    • TLC

    Dayna and Stephen, married just over a year, embrace their surprise pregnancy.

  • S01E38 Baby Redfox

    • September 30, 1999
    • TLC

    Two teachers prepare for their first baby, and after an induced labor, a boy is delivered.

  • S01E39 Baby Caragher

    • TLC

    A long labor leads to the birth of a baby girl on St. Patricks Day

  • S01E39 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E40 Baby Brooks

    • TLC

    JAmes and Irene prepare for their third child

  • S01E40 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E41 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E41 Gillis

    • TLC

    Alaine and Alec plan to involve their daughter sin all aspects of the birth of their fourth child

  • S01E42 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E42 Baby Armstronq

    • TLC

    A couple prepare their two sons for the birth of their brother

  • S01E43 Hirsch

    • TLC

    Mark and Carla prepare their 2-year old daughter to a baby sister

  • S01E43 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E44 Bennett

    • TLC

    When Mark and Randi met, Mark hadn't planned on having children. but now they await their second child

  • S01E44 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E45 Baby Pasante

    • TLC

    Jill's dream of motherhood has come true with the adoption of a daughter and the birth of a son

  • S01E45 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E46 Baby High

    • TLC

    Cindy and Tony combine Japanese and American cultures in raising their 5-year old and plan to do the same with their new baby

  • S01E46 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E47 Baby Tamborelli

    • TLC

    Couple prepare their pit bull for the arrival of their baby daughter

  • S01E47 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E48 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E48 Baby MInerney

    • TLC

    Rob and Alisson meet with a nutritionist for advice on all-natural baby food

  • S01E49 Baby Richey

    • TLC

    Meet Othar and Miah, whose life together has been tinged by tragedy. However, the couple found hope when Miah fell pregnant

  • S01E49 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E50 Sepulveda

    • TLC

    Victor and Allison prepare for their new baby with the help of a specially trained dog

  • S01E50 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E51 Baby Cohen

    • TLC

    Lisa and Garrett, who feared that medical problems would make conception difficult share their good news with family

  • S01E51 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E52 Baby Harlan

    • TLC

    A couple await the birth of their first child, even though most of their friends aren't even married yet.

  • S01E52 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E53 Baby Shanks-Howard

    • TLC

    Couple are surprised with an unexpected pregnancy after dating for two years

  • S01E53 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E54 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E54 Baby Herren

    • TLC

    A couple, who when they first met had the same last name, await their second child's birth

  • S01E55 Baby Martin

    • TLC

    A Mormon family prepares for the birth of their third child with a "Family Home Evening"

  • S01E55 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E56 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E57 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E58 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E59 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E60 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E61 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E62 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E63 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E64 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E65 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E66 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E67 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E68 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E69 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E70 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E71 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E72 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E73 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E74 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E75 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E76 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E77 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E78 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E79 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E80 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E81 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E82 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E83 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E84 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E85 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E86 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E87 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E88 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E89 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E90 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E91 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E92 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E93 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E94 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E95 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E96 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E97 Unknown

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  • S01E98 Unknown

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  • S01E99 Unknown

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  • S01E100 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E101 Unknown

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  • S01E102 Unknown

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  • S01E103 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E104 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E105 Unknown

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  • S01E106 Unknown

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  • S01E107 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S01E108 NONE

    • TLC

Season 2

  • S02E01 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S02E01 Baby Winschel

    • TLC

    A woman converts to her husbands faith so their family can be raised with a strong religious foundation

  • S02E02 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S02E02 Kalmonovich

    • TLC

    Julie and Ran plan to combine their cultures of Israel and the United States for their baby

  • S02E03 Unknown

    • TLC

  • S02E03 Baby Monforte-Novia

    • TLC

    After two miscarriages, a couple prepare for the birth of their son.

  • S02E04 13

    • TLC

  • S02E04 Baby Gabriel

    • TLC

    Amid health problems, Tammy and Rodney prepare for the birth of their second child

  • S02E05 14

    • TLC

  • S02E05 Baby Hale

    • TLC

    a labor and delivery nurse practices relaxation and massage when she gives birth to her son

  • S02E06 Baby Sullivan

    • TLC

    A trip to Los Angeles Zoo shows how animals care for their young. A woman prepares for the birth of her second child.

  • S02E07 Baby Aldana

    • TLC

    A couple welcomes a baby boy with a huge baby shower

  • S02E08 Baby Frantangelo

    • TLC

    Joe coaches his wife, Lisa, through a daylong induced labor, which results in the birth of a baby girl.

  • S02E09 Baby Haslett

    • TLC

    A surprise pregnancy for Julianne and Mike includes a baby-care class and prenatal yoga.

  • S02E10 Baby Pippenger

    • TLC

    Parents of a toddler prepare for the birth of their second child

  • S02E11 Baby Rubin

    • TLC

    Keri and Elliot attend an infant massage course to prepare for labor, which Keri chooses to do in a birthing tub

  • S02E12 Baby Hernandez

    • TLC

    Parents have to make an important decision during labor

  • S02E13 Baby Pettitt

    • TLC

    Jackie and Alex visit a therapist who will offer advice on how to integrate the couple's fourth baby into the family.

  • S02E14 Baby Sanchez

    • TLC

    A couple with five daughters prepares for the birth of their sixth child - a son.

  • S02E15 Baby Macias

    • TLC

    Schoolteachers Daniela and Reynaldo prepare for their first child.

  • S02E16 Baby D'Angelo

    • TLC

    A couple, whose first two sons suffered from complications at birth, prepare for the healthy birth of a third.

  • S02E17 Baby Scott

    • TLC

    A state trooper and his wife await the birth of the first child.

  • S02E18 Baby Evarts

    • TLC

    Julie and Rob Evarts welcome their fourth baby.

  • S02E19 Baby Henschel

    • TLC

    Unable to have their own child, a couple form a close bond with the birth mother of the child they plan to adopt.

  • S02E20 Baby Harold-Welch

    • TLC

    Uncertain about their parenting abilities, Melissa and Dusty prepare for their first child.

  • S02E21 Baby Edwards

    • TLC

    A woman whose first child was born prematurely is expecting her second.

  • S02E22 Baby Bernstein

    • TLC

    Denise and Eddie had difficulty concieving.

  • S02E23 Baby Kane

    • TLC

    A couple prepare for their second baby with massage during pregnancy

  • S02E24 Baby Block

    • TLC

    Father participates in the birthing process.

  • S02E25 Baby Reinchbach

    • TLC

    Lisa was happy mothering Kurt's 6-year when she discovered she was pregnant with their first child together.

Season 9

  • S09E01 Baby Frank

    • October 11, 2005
    • TLC

    Actors who teach theater are expecting their first child.

  • S09E02 Baby Clark

    • October 12, 2005
    • TLC

    Since meeting in an airport, a couple are inseparable and have a baby girl on the way.

  • S09E03 Baby Rosario

    • October 13, 2008
    • TLC

    Living in a tiny one bedroom apartment in New York City, Richie and Naila are ready to meet their new son.

  • S09E04 Baby McGovern

    • October 14, 2005
    • TLC

    Baby number four.

  • S09E05 Baby Reytblat

    • October 17, 2005
    • TLC

    A woman who once ignored her biological clock loves being a parent.

  • S09E06 Baby Gordon

    • October 18, 2005
    • TLC

    A home delivery is planned.

  • S09E23 Baby McBride

    • January 13, 2007
    • TLC

    A family with five children expects the sixth.

  • S09E24 Baby Bland

    • January 17, 2006
    • TLC

    The expectant parents' opposing personalities cause tension between them.

Season 10

  • S10E01 Baby Cartagena

    • August 20, 2007
    • TLC

    A woman with lupus finds out she is pregnant with her second child.

  • S10E02 Baby Luongo

    • August 21, 2007
    • TLC

    A couple who turned to in-vitro fertilization now expect their second child.

  • S10E03 Baby Masters

    • August 22, 2007
    • TLC

    A mother channels her pain in a quiet way for her second delivery.

  • S10E04 Baby Garbrecht

    • August 23, 2007
    • TLC

    A happy-go-lucky couple expect their first baby.

  • S10E05 Baby Spar

    • August 24, 2007
    • TLC

    A couple expects their fifth baby.

  • S10E06 Baby Hill

    • August 27, 2007
    • TLC

    A couple with twin boys expects a third son.

  • S10E07 Baby Loglisci

    • August 28, 2007
    • TLC

    A couple expect their first child.

  • S10E08 Baby Gann

    • August 29, 2007
    • TLC

    A couple expect their first child together.

  • S10E09 Baby Heuser-Chavez

    • August 30, 2007
    • TLC

    Although pregnant, a woman continues attending law school, working and taking care of her 2-year-old child.

  • S10E10 Baby Ruderman

    • August 31, 2007
    • TLC

    First-time parents have family by their side.

  • S10E11 Baby Singh

    • September 4, 2007
    • TLC

    A woman is determined to deliver her baby naturally.

  • S10E12 Baby Szymanowicz

    • September 5, 2007
    • TLC

    An expectant mom worries that her husband will pass out.

  • S10E13 Baby Jun

    • September 6, 2007
    • TLC

    A couple's first child is a week past due-date

  • S10E14 Baby Ryan

    • September 7, 2007
    • TLC

    A woman who has had three miscarriages expects her second child.

  • S10E15 Baby Outwater

    • September 10, 2007
    • TLC

    A couple opts for a Caesarean section for the birth of a second child.

  • S10E16 Baby Brod

    • September 11, 2007
    • TLC

    A couple draw on their faith to get through complications.

  • S10E17 Baby Saffian

    • September 12, 2007
    • TLC

    An expectant mother hopes to have a natural birth.

  • S10E18 Baby Drake

    • September 13, 2007
    • TLC

    After surgery and in-vitro fertilization, the Drakes await their baby.

  • S10E19 Baby Zakim

    • September 14, 2007
    • TLC

    Judy is pregnant with her second child after having two miscarriages.

  • S10E20 Baby Frasca

    • September 17, 2007
    • TLC

    A couple with three boys thinks a fourth child will complete their family.

  • S10E21 Baby Rosenbaum

    • September 18, 2007
    • TLC

    The big day comes.

  • S10E22 Baby O'Connor

    • September 19, 2007
    • TLC

    Expectant parents are nervous about the birth of their second child.

  • S10E23 Baby Mulligan

    • September 20, 2007
    • TLC

    The mother enlists the help of a midwife.

  • S10E24 Baby Weber

    • September 21, 2007
    • TLC

    Childbirth is quick for Jessica.

  • S10E25 Baby Wiener

    • September 24, 2007
    • TLC

    Leslie's induction goes slowly, which is a concern and a surprise.

  • S10E26 Baby Imbeault

    • September 24, 2007
    • TLC

    Nine years after the birth of her son, Nicole is unready to relive the pain of childbirth.

  • S10E27 Baby Sefchick

    • September 25, 2007
    • TLC

    Expectant parents feared they might never have children.

  • S10E28 Baby Romash

    • September 26, 2007
    • TLC

    A woman plans to have a drug-free delivery, but the baby's heartbeat plummets.

  • S10E29 Baby Souza

    • September 27, 2007
    • TLC

    A Caesarean section turns out to be a complex process

  • S10E30 Baby Moran

    • September 28, 2007
    • TLC

    A couple needs to get to the hospital quickly

  • S10E31 Baby Tesar

    • January 7, 2008
    • TLC

    A woman who had a near-death experience with the birth of her first child fears a second delivery.

  • S10E32 Baby Koprowski

    • January 8, 2008
    • TLC

    A couple and their adopted twins learn that they are going to have a baby.

  • S10E33 Baby Svorec

    • January 9, 2008
    • TLC

    After an easy pregnancy, labor and delivery prove to be difficult.

  • S10E34 Baby Johnson

    • January 10, 2008
    • TLC

    The Johnsons embark upon labor and delivery one more time.

  • S10E35 Baby LaRocco

    • January 11, 2008
    • TLC

    Chiropractors expect to deliver their second baby at home.

  • S10E36 Baby Ramos

    • January 14, 2008
    • TLC

    A mother-to-be considers pain relief.

  • S10E37 Baby Jorgenson

    • January 15, 2008
    • TLC

  • S10E38 Baby LeDuc

    • January 16, 2008
    • TLC

    A first-time mother enjoys a day at the lake, and her husband has to work late.

  • S10E39 Baby Rishko

    • January 17, 2008
    • TLC

    Heather is pregnant after suffering three miscarriages within a year.

  • S10E40 Baby Seetoo

    • January 18, 2008
    • TLC

    A woman has a long, difficult labor.

  • S10E41 Baby Chierico

    • January 22, 2008
    • TLC

    A father-to-be is extremely nervous during the delivery of his first child.

  • S10E42 Baby Rubenstein

    • January 23, 2008
    • TLC

    A family of three expects a second baby.

  • S10E43 baby Sblendorio

    • January 24, 2008
    • TLC

    Family helps Dana calm her fears after heart-rate scares during delivery.

  • S10E44 Baby Rawls

    • January 25, 2008
    • TLC

    A first-time mother plans on having a drug-free birth.

  • S10E45 Baby Guevara

    • January 28, 2008
    • TLC

    First-time parents are nervous about the delivery of a 10-pound baby.

  • S10E46 Baby Smith

    • January 28, 2008
    • TLC

    Valerie's son has given her bronchitis, possibly even pneumonia, and she is 33 weeks pregnant; she's quickly admitted to the hospital four weeks before her twins are due.

  • S10E47 Baby Fedorka

    • January 29, 2008
    • TLC

    A woman has to have labor induced five days after her due date.

  • S10E48 Baby Melick

    • January 30, 2008
    • TLC

    An already-anxious mother gets crushing news.

  • S10E49 Baby Cabbot

    • January 31, 2008
    • TLC

    A couple who fell in love while volunteering in Thailand are eager to meet their first child.

  • S10E50 Baby Richardson

    • February 1, 2008
    • TLC

    Following the death of her husband, an expectant mother faces being a single parent.

  • S10E51 Baby Shapiro

    • March 31, 2008
    • TLC

    A pregnant woman's first delivery was fast, and she wonders if the second will be similar.

  • S10E52 Baby Gattens

    • April 2, 2008
    • TLC

    A mom-to-be struggles to make it full term.

  • S10E53 Baby Duff

    • April 4, 2008
    • TLC

    Parents await the birth of their baby after having endured a stillbirth and a miscarriage during earlier pregnancies.

  • S10E54 Baby curiale

    • April 7, 2008
    • TLC

    The expectation of a third Caesarean section have a couple on edge.

  • S10E55 Baby Tribune

    • April 9, 2008
    • TLC

    A woman pregnant with twins faces a third Caesarean section.

  • S10E56 Baby Watanabe

    • April 11, 2008
    • TLC

    A mother-to-be worries about the pain of childbirth.

  • S10E57 Baby Crocco

    • April 14, 2008
    • TLC

    A woman and her husband decide to give pregnancy another try and hope that she will be able to carry the baby to term.

  • S10E58 Baby Curry

    • April 16, 2008
    • TLC

    After two years of trying to get pregnant, a family of three looks forward to becoming a family of four as the expectant mother heads for a Caesarean section

  • S10E59 Baby Stovall

    • April 18, 2008
    • TLC

    A woman delivers her second baby four weeks before her due date.

  • S10E60 Baby Schnerr-Mayo

    • April 21, 2008
    • TLC

    A woman and her partner beat the odds.

  • S10E61 Baby Gilbert

    • April 23, 2008
    • TLC

    A scheduled induction has unexpected results.

  • S10E62 Baby Carter-Woods

    • April 25, 2008
    • TLC

    An unexpected pregnancy surprises a couple.

  • S10E63 Baby Poythress

    • April 28, 2008
    • TLC

    A woman has a difficult delivery after a quick labor.

  • S10E64 Baby Collura

    • April 30, 2008
    • TLC

    A woman, pregnant with twins, is on bed rest.

  • S10E65 Baby Clearwater

    • May 2, 2008
    • TLC

    A woman has gestational diabetes and a history of high-risk deliveries.

  • S10E66 Baby Meyer

    • May 5, 2008
    • TLC

    An expectant mother fears a Caesarean section.

  • S10E67 Baby Clarke

    • May 7, 2008
    • TLC

    Jokesters have their first baby together.

  • S10E68 Baby Jacobo

    • May 9, 2008
    • TLC

    A midwife discovers a baby's head may be too big to fit through the birth canal.

  • S10E69 Baby Vulcano

    • May 12, 2008
    • TLC

    A woman has an emotional and challenging second pregnancy.

  • S10E70 Baby Madden

    • May 14, 2008
    • TLC

    A woman in labor is held up in the triage area, as her doctor is not yet ready to admit her.

  • S10E71 Baby Nydick

    • May 16, 2008
    • TLC

    A couple think they will never be able to have children.

  • S10E72 Baby Petrokansky

    • May 19, 2008
    • TLC

    A surprise pregnancy leaves a couple handling two children close in age.

  • S10E73 Baby Drew

    • May 21, 2008
    • TLC

    Memories of a previous, emergency Caesarean section come flooding back to a mother-to-be

  • S10E74 Baby Faust

    • May 23, 2008
    • TLC

    A couple is expecting a third daughter.

  • S10E75 Baby Paulsen

    • May 28, 2008
    • TLC

    A couple expects their second baby.

Season 11

  • S11E01 Baby Gruver

    • March 30, 2009

    A woman experiences the trials and tribulations of pregnancy with triplets.

  • S11E02 Baby Virgilio

    • March 31, 2009

    A couple are shocked to discover they are expecting triplets.

  • S11E03 Baby Arcel

    • April 1, 2009

    A couple anxiously awaits the arrival of their twins

  • S11E04 Baby Muni

    • April 2, 2009

    A couple anxiously awaits the arrival of twins.

  • S11E05 Baby Rondeau

    • April 3, 2009

    A family of four anxiously await the arrival of twin boys.

Season 12

  • S12E01 Baby Chapman

    • September 28, 2009
    • TLC

    Having children was always important to Francesse and Chris, and with a baby girl on the way, they can't contain their excitement! But, when a scheduled c-section takes a surprising turn, Francesse worries about the painful labor ahead.

  • S12E02 Baby Shaffer

    • September 29, 2009
    • TLC

    Sam and Eden weren't sure if they wanted children, but after the birth of their first son, Joey, they couldn't stop with just one. Now, bouncing baby boy number two is due and on the big day Eden experiences big nerves in the operating room.

  • S12E03 Baby Zynczenko

    • September 30, 2009
    • TLC

    After finding out their unborn child could be inflicted with a neuromuscular disease, Heather and Michael fear the worst and hope for the best. Although the test results prove negative, will this baby boy's birth put the couple's fears to rest?

  • S12E04 Baby Powell

    • October 1, 2009
    • TLC

    Christina and Chris have their hands full with 2-year old son, so they are looking forward to adding a baby girl to the mix. Christina is sick of being pregnant, and happy to finally go into labor, but she finds herself unable to get her planned epidural

  • S12E05 Baby Wayne

    • October 2, 2009
    • TLC

    Brandy and Mark Wayne are two handsome Texans who are loving life and thrilled to welcome their second daughter to the world. When Brandy prematurely dilates at 36 weeks, she goes into every doctor's appointment hoping that today will be the day.

  • S12E06 Baby Tedeschi

    • October 5, 2009
    • TLC

    As Carrie reaches her 38th Week, her delivery seems imminent. But when labor goes from zero to sixty in the blink of an eye. Will Carrie and her husband, Rich, be ready for delivery in the fast lane?

  • S12E07 Baby Goss

    • October 6, 2009
    • TLC

    Preparing to become first time parents brings laughter, excitement and lots of anxiety. When Amanda's labor begins, Adam starts to sweat. Will he be able to pull it together in time for his daughter's arrival?

  • S12E08 Baby Ginn

    • October 7, 2009
    • TLC

    First time parents, Katherine and Greg, are over the moon to be expecting a baby boy. After receiving news that the baby could possibly be born with Downs Syndrome, the couple works hard to remain positive with a loving family and lots of prayers.

  • S12E09 Baby Vincinguerra

    • October 8, 2009
    • TLC

    With a precocious 4-year old, and a gregarious 2-year old, father Dante is ready for a boy! When the timing of this baby's arrival is not optimal and labor finally kicks in, Marci's finds her alone. How will Marci fare without her husband by her side?

  • S12E10 Baby Simitz

    • October 9, 2009
    • TLC

    With two boys at home, the Simitz family is thrilled to be expecting their first girl! Tina and Mike assume it will be a stress-free process but when contractions begin three days before the scheduled induction, will their nerves spiral out of control?

  • S12E11 Baby Miller

    • October 12, 2009
    • TLC

    With 4 rowdy kids, Hazel and Keith certainly have their hands full! After the devastating loss of her first husband 3 years ago, Hazel moved back home with her mom to heal. Now, with Keith by her side, this family anxiously awaits their new arrival.

  • S12E12 Baby Hanson

    • October 13, 2009
    • TLC

    Moving to the suburbs a week before their due date leaves the Hanson's little time to prepare for their new arrival. And having a skeptical 2-year old daughter at home isn't helping. When the induction date arrives, the waiting begins.

  • S12E13 Baby Siegler

    • October 14, 2009
    • TLC

    This pregnancy hasn't been easy for Diane. And having a clingy 18-month old daughter to care for doesn't help matters. When Diane's water breaks at 32 weeks, the race is on. And one question remains, will this little guy make it out ok?

  • S12E14 Baby Nelson

    • October 15, 2009
    • TLC

    A sweet Texas couple, Amber and Fred are eager to welcome their daughter to the world!! When they check into the hospital for a routine induction, will this couple go through labor all laughs and smiles or will the wait cause Fred to break down?

  • S12E15 Baby Grubb

    • October 16, 2009
    • TLC

    Laketchia's first two births happened so quickly that her husband, Stephen, missed the whole event while parking the car. Now pregnant for the third and final time, Laketchia wants this delivery to move fast, but slow enough to ensure Stephen is present.

  • S12E16 Baby Principato

    • October 19, 2009
    • TLC

    These first time parents waited years for their bundle of joy. After 17 different fertility treatments, Michele and Anthony are finally at the end of their journey. When a textbook delivery goes awry, will their nerves get the best of them?

  • S12E17 Baby Williams

    • October 20, 2009
    • TLC

    Kelly's pregnancy includes ultimate cravings, hip pain and bewilderment about whether this baby will be male or female. After unsuccessfully trying to will herself into labor, Kelly's doctor suggestions a planned induction.

  • S12E18 Baby Sumpter

    • October 21, 2009
    • TLC

    As if 9 months of pregnancy isn't difficult enough, this mom can't even be sure if she's having a boy or a girl! After complications resulting in strict bed rest for Capricia, the support of an adoring family is thing this mom can definitely count on.

  • S12E19 Baby Gonzalez

    • October 22, 2009
    • TLC

    For Nicholette, childbirth is a mysterious and frightening event, so she hopes her husband and doula can guide her toward a drama-free delivery. But, when the baby's heart rate drops dramatically, her confidence is shaken.

  • S12E20 Baby Barree

    • October 23, 2009
    • TLC

    To ensure the health of mother and child, the Barree's have agreed to an induction that will get the labor process under way. Ready to meet their baby boy, and after a hospital all-nighter, their big moment comes faster than they could have anticipated.

  • S12E21 Baby Hinrichsen

    • October 26, 2009
    • TLC

    As if being parents to two sets of twins isn't hard enough, Kathy and Nick are now expecting a third set. Luckily they will finally be adding a girl to this all boy household. As the delivery approaches, reality sets in. How will they balance six kids?

  • S12E22 Baby Little

    • October 27, 2009
    • TLC

    Kevin and Lida prepare for life as they know it to change forever with twin girls are on the way! Enduring a tough pregnancy, Lida can not wait to get these kids out of her. But when the day finally arrives, will Lida's sassy spirit survive?

  • S12E23 Baby Dilg

    • October 28, 2009
    • TLC

    Trish and Andrew met, got married, and became the perfect pair. Trying to grow their family and facing a frustrating diagnosis of "unexplained infertility," Trish got pregant through invitro. Expecting triplets watch this cheerful couple prepare.

  • S12E24 Baby Danielson

    • October 29, 2009
    • TLC

    After having a sick infant, Sharon and Kirk waited eight years to add to their family. To their amazement it was double the surprise! But When a routine check-up, turns into a trip to the hospital, questions remain

  • S12E25 Baby Triolo

    • October 30, 2009
    • TLC

    After a battle with breast cancer crushed all hopes of having children, Christine's sister gave them the ultimate gift and offered to be their surrogate. Now, Christine and Anthony are twice as excited about becoming parents to twins!

Season 13

  • S13E01 Baby Camara

    • March 29, 2010
    • TLC

    Gema and Eddy Camara feel blessed to be having their 2nd child. After undergoing a liver transplant at 8-years old, Gema is anxious about the complications it can cause. The high-risk pregnancy make Gema and Eddy wonder about the health of their baby boy.

  • S13E02 Baby Prohaska

    • March 30, 2010
    • TLC

    April and Meggan are so excited to become first-time mommies! It was important to Meggan and April that their baby have a father figure, so they decided to use a known donor. Jason and his partner join Meggan and April's journey toward parenthood

  • S13E03 Baby Naveran

    • March 31, 2010
    • TLC

    Shana is outnumbered in the Naveran household. But this time around, she is getting her wish! And with help from grandma, they are going to make this house sparkle and shine before her baby girl arrives. The plan is to have a drug free water birth

  • S13E04 Baby Rogers

    • April 1, 2010
    • TLC

    After a 2-year battle with infertility, Christina and Ron got their wish and are expecting twin girls! After being on bedrest for 10 weeks, c-section day arrives and Christina experiences a new set of anxieties involved with receiving the spinal.

  • S13E05 Baby Gardiner

    • April 2, 2010
    • TLC

    There's a story of a lovely lady, who was bringing up two children on her own. There's also a story, of a man named Stephen. Who was bringing up two boys of his own. Combine them together and you have a party of six, soon to be a party of seven

  • S13E06 Baby Manning

    • April 5, 2010
    • TLC

    Dawn and Mike already have a juggling act at home with a precious daughter, an adorable son and two giant Great Danes! Dawn is emphatic that she have a peaceful, drug-free birth. But when labor yields unexpected complications, will her birth plan hold up

  • S13E07 Baby Morand

    • April 6, 2010
    • TLC

    With an adorable 4-year old and another daughter on the way, Semone and Robert are eager to start this next chapter. When c-section time arrives, Robert's nerves get the best of him. But, how will he hold up when it is time go to into the operating room.

  • S13E08 Baby Cooper

    • April 7, 2010
    • TLC

    Actors, Alana and Billy, who are ready to welcome their second son, are preparing for a drug-free delivery. But, when the contractions get so intense, Alana is ready to call it quits. After more than 24-hours of labor will she surrender to the pain?

  • S13E09 Baby Andras

    • April 8, 2010
    • TLC

    Jon's biggest pregnancy complaint is that Sirena's mood swings have caused her to be snappy! When the big day arrives, Sirena's heart starts racing. Is meditation enough to bring her blood pressure down? Will Jon be able to comfort his wife's nerves?

  • S13E10 Baby Price

    • April 9, 2010
    • TLC

    When Isabel doesn't hit her due date, every day that passes crushes hopes that today will be the day! And when contractions finally kick in, Isabel labors for days with constant disappointment. But will it derail their plans for a drug-free water birth?

  • S13E11 Baby Moebus

    • April 12, 2010
    • TLC

    18-month old Vance sure keeps his mom and dad on their toes! With the addition of another little boy just a few weeks away, life is about to get a little more crazy when Holly's scheduled c-section elicits some unwanted fears

  • S13E12 Baby Farrar

    • April 13, 2010
    • TLC

    Amanda and Will have an eye for adventure, so it's no surprise they want to deliver drug-free. Despite her family's reluctance to the idea, Amanda is resolved to prove them wrong. But when the pain becomes too much, will she be able to hang on?

  • S13E13 Baby Scaccia

    • April 14, 2010
    • TLC

    Ashton and Breonna are excited to be expecting their first baby. When the big day arrives, goofy Ashton gets on Breonna's last nerve and a lengthy induction has the entire family exhausted. Will light-hearted joking get Breonna through the pain?

  • S13E14 Baby Wells

    • April 15, 2010
    • TLC

    The thought of being first-time parents has high school sweethearts Katy and Jimmy Wells jumping for joy! But when the scheduled induction takes an unexpected turn, will the unknown be too much to handle?

  • S13E15 Baby Solomon

    • April 16, 2010
    • TLC

    Elisabeth insists on experiencing her labor naturally. Andy is in charge of making sure she sticks to her plan of a drug-free delivery. But when the pain shakes her confidence, will Andy's support be enough to keep her calm?

  • S13E16 Baby Ruditsky

    • April 19, 2010
    • TLC

    With an active 15-month old and a baby girl on the way, Jenna and Dave worry about what's in store and how Ryan will react to his new sibling. One week before their scheduled c-section, this couple receives the unexpected news that Jenna must deliver.

  • S13E17 Baby Schueler

    • April 20, 2010
    • TLC

    Like any first time parents, Amy and Steven question the unknown and hope for an easy delivery. When her water breaks at 39 weeks, reality sets in. At first, Amy's delivery seems like a walk in the park, until a surprising twist changes everything.

  • S13E18 Baby Mcgrath

    • April 21, 2010
    • TLC

    Olivia and Nick have two girls and are excited to be welcoming a son. When her contractions kick in after weeks of bedrest, this couple is nothing but smiles. Olivia laughs her way through labor. Will she be the envy of laboring moms everywhere?

  • S13E19 Baby Nordgren

    • April 22, 2010
    • TLC

    If Tami and Jason thought getting pregnant with their first son was a task, baby number two was 10 times harder! With the help of fertility treatments, it's been a long journey. How will this couple handle their return to the operating room?

  • S13E20 Baby Lewis

    • April 23, 2010
    • TLC

    Monica is having an exhausting pregnancy with two young girls, a dog, gestational diabetes, and a husband in his residency. Delivery day brings on a slew of emotions for the couple as Monica misses her girls. Will Monica's nerves hold out?

  • S13E21 Baby Eisenberg

    • April 26, 2010
    • TLC

    Desperate to deliver in the comfort of her own home, Eve must labor through the most powerful contractions. Will this determined mom have the homebirth she is hoping for? Or will the pain be too much to handle?

  • S13E22 Baby Malak

    • April 27, 2010
    • TLC

    Finding out they were expecting their fourth child was shocking to the Malak Family. The plan is to have this baby at home. But after 10 hours of labor and no relief in sight, will Maria find the strength to push through?

  • S13E23 Baby Sheehan

    • April 28, 2010
    • TLC

    Glorvina and her husband, Jason, were ready to try something different. They did some research and found a midwife they trust, and are ready to have a water birth at home. When delivery day finally ensues, Glorvina realizes fast that she's not in control

  • S13E24 Baby Breen

    • April 29, 2010
    • TLC

    When Jen gave birth to her firstborn, an unforeseen problem led to an induction. Afterward, Jen and her husband, Jim, felt it would more ideal to use midwife. As the couple now prepares for the arrival of their second baby, there's no place like home!

  • S13E25 Baby Millers

    • April 30, 2010
    • TLC

    Kristi and Wes have always been a couple on the go! As adventure-seekers at heart and with their first baby on the way, a new journey begins! But when Kristi's water breaks and contractions become unpredictable, this homebirth becomes a waiting game.

  • S13E26 Baby Emert

    • May 3, 2010
    • TLC

    Lisa and Marvin hope their dreams of delivering naturally, with no drugs, will come true. But when the reality of Lisa's labor wears her out, and she ends up pushing for two-hours, it becomes a true test of endurance. How long can she hold out?

  • S13E27 Baby Greer

    • May 4, 2010
    • TLC

    For Ali, this pregnancy is a return to form as she is already the parent of two children from her first marriage, but Donnie, a life long bachelor until marrying Ali, is in serious uncharted waters when it comes to pregnancy and parenting.