「お前、死に場所を探しているんだな」 先斗は倒れていた玄蕃を人気のない場所へと運び手当を施す。 するとそこに響く儚げなハーモニカの音──。 奏でていたのはトッキュウジャーを名乗る虹野明。 彼もまたオレンジ色の衣服を身に纏っていた。 明は一触即発の先斗と玄蕃を見ると どういうわけか相撲での決着を提案。 2人は戸惑いながらもぶつかり合い…。 その頃、街には苦魔獣が出現。 射士郎たちも攻撃を受け戦闘できない状況に。 この窮地、切り抜けるために大切なのは勝利を掴む“想像力”──。 大也が起死回生の一手を打ったその時、 高らかな汽笛の音と共にトッキュウ1号が現れた!!
``You're looking for a place to die.'' Ponto carries the collapsed Genbo to a deserted place and treats him. Then, the ephemeral sound of a harmonica echoes there. The person playing the song was Akira Nijino, who calls himself ToQger. He was also wearing orange clothing. When Akira sees Ponto and Genbo in a tense situation, he somehow proposes a sumo match. Although the two are confused, they collide... At that time, a bitter demon beast appears in the city. Shishiro and his friends are also attacked and are unable to fight. In order to get through this predicament, what is important is "imagination" to grasp victory. Just as Daiya was about to make a move to revive himself, Tokkyu No. 1 appeared with the sound of a high-pitched train whistle! !