After two and a half years in which Meir Nitzan served as chairman of the appointed committee, the beginnings of change could be felt; the level of violence decreased, the deficit was erased, Nitzan gained the trust of the city's Arab citizens, hundreds of students moved to live in Lod. But then he had to leave, due The elections for the local authorities are approaching. The election campaign that started in April immediately gave its signals and in Lod as in Lod, everything broke out in a way that no one could have wished for. The main struggle for the Nietzsche city authority is between two candidates Yoram Marciano, a seasoned and skilled politician and Yair Rabivo, who was the CEO The municipality under Nitzan. The entry of Attorney Yair Rabivo into the city hall was accompanied by the blowing of trumpets and considerable joy among the Jews of Lod and considerable apprehension among the Arab sector.