キッチンいちのせ連合が結成され 意気揚々の宝太郎たち。 しかし 一人その高揚に乗り切れないのは、りんね。 「掟」を大事にしてきたはずの彼女にとって いまの行動が本当に正しいのだろうか。 そう悩む彼女の前に、現れるミナト。 「九堂、アカデミーに戻ってこい」 錬金術師として、それが正しいはずだろうーー? かつての「先生」からの問いに揺れるりんね。 果たして自分にとっての正しさとは? そんな中 凶暴なマルガムを連れたアトロポスが急襲。 悩むりんねに、その刃を突きつける! 「りんねちゃん、今日、死んでくれる?」 その小さき悪魔に、少女が見るものとは? いま、りんねの中に眠る力が目覚める! 変身! 仮面ライダーマジェード!!
The Kitchen Ichinose Alliance is formed, and Houtarou and his friends are in high spirits. However, Rinne is the only one who cannot survive the excitement. Is her current behavior really the right thing to do for someone who should have cherished the ``rules''? As she worries about this, Minato appears before her. "Kudou, please come back to the academy." As an alchemist, that must be the right thing to do, right? Rinne is shaken by a question from her former "teacher." What is right for me? Meanwhile, Atropos, accompanied by the ferocious Malgam, suddenly attacks. He thrusts that blade at the troubled Rinne! "Rinne-chan, will you die today?" What does the girl see in that little devil? Now, the power sleeping inside Rinne is awakened! Transform! Kamen Rider Majed! !