「いらっしゃい!!」。朝から威勢の良い声が飛び交う朝市を、食いしん坊な酒場詩人・吉田類と室谷香菜子が訪れます。 新鮮な魚介類はもちろん、創業100年を超える老舗餅店の和菓子も堪能。4代目が作るモチモチした触感がたまりません。
ある居酒屋では室谷アナがびっくり。「え~?魚が丸く焼かれている!?」。 不思議な料理の出し方が、美味しい味わいと感動を呼ぶ、ここでしか食べられない焼き魚とは?
This time, the port town is Hakodate, a popular sightseeing spot in Hokkaido.
The morning market is filled with cheerful shouts of "Irasshai!" as the gourmand pub poet Rui Yoshida and Kanako Murotani visit. In addition to fresh seafood, they also enjoy Japanese sweets from a century-old rice cake store, where the fourth generation of the family makes the sweets with the irresistible chewy texture.
They also visit a custom-made musical instrument store and are fascinated by the sound of handmade guitars, rare even in Hokkaido.
At a certain tavern, Anna Murotani was surprised. "What? The fish is grilled whole!" What kind of grilled fish can only be eaten here, where the mysterious way the food is served brings out delicious flavors and excitement?
Then to a Spanish restaurant in a Japanese-style building using Taisho glass, whose unique distortions are somewhat nostalgic. Sipping on wine and tasted seasonal dishes that went well with the wine. A great time chatting and getting tipsy!