Lampert forges an alliance with Duke Ludwig, drawing him in with the prospect of war spoils and territorial expansion. As their coalition gains strength, Prince Pienzenhauer is compelled to retreat, allowing Mallimes to strategically capture Hallturm castle and earn a reward from Duke Heinrich. Jula witnesses the devastation, and her father, Runotter, seeks revenge.
Lampert uzatvára spojenectvo s vojvodom Ludwigom za účelom koristi a rozšírenia územia. Ich koalícia donúti princa Pienzenhauera k ústupu, čím umožní Mallimesovi strategické dobytie hradu Hallturm a odmenu od vojvodu Heinricha. Jula svedčí ničenie, kým jej otec, Runotter, túži po pomste.