Eine Vorgeschichte zu dem am 15. September 2016 in Japan erschienenen Videospiel Persona 5.
There is a new urban legend circulating Tokyo. It claims that if you make a request in the Ask-a-Thief Channel, the Phantom Thieves of Hearts will show up and bring justice by stealing a corrupt person's heart and making them regret all their wrongdoings. As strange and inexplicable events continue to happen all around town, more people submit their requests in hope that the mysterious vigilante group will help.
Kazuya Makigami is a burglar by night, but has started to have second thoughts about his crimes and those who help him commit them. Unable to stand up to his comrades himself, Kazuya submits a request to the Ask-a-Thief Channel.
O grupo de Ladrões de Corações precisa trabalhar junto para derrubar uma gangue de criminosos, e roubar a ambição de seu líder.
2016年9月3日,在遊戲發布前,特別節目《PERSONA5 the Animation -THE DAY BREAKERS-》於TOKYO MX等電視台上播放,由A-1 Pictures製作,講述在遊戲中發生的一件單獨事件(取自原作「特定任務」中的「怪盜團 VS 竊盜團」這項任務)。[72][166][167][166]動畫開頭中的行人手上拿著的報紙上寫著「日本美術界的黑暗」,可推測遊戲劇情的時間點是斑目剛把自己的罪行公諸於世後所發生的事件。自從主角群解決了「斑目事件」後,龍司說道最近的澀谷越來越危險,他從網站中看到有個以各式餐廳為下手目標的竊盜團最近頻繁活動的消息,這時祐介就讓主角看了「怪盜頻道」中有一則攸關委託人性命的留言,主角思考之後,決定晚上與摩爾加納跟蹤委託人留言中的「指定目標」,這才發現事情沒有想像中單純,隔天主角與怪盜團成員開會後決定要拯救委託人。怪盜團與竊盜團首領的對決就此展開!在結局中,主角群所進入的認知世界是金城潤矢的殿堂,表示故事尚未完結。
Los Ladrones de Corazones son una banda de jóvenes que luchan por mantener el orden en la ciudad. Un día se enteran de las actividades delictivas de unos ladrones, así que hacen lo posible por detenerlos.
L'histoire prend place à Tokyo où un groupe de personnes appelé les Voleurs Fantômes combat et réforme les cœurs corrompus des adultes.