On top of getting rejected by Akali Yuriko, she told him he was "flat." Cotton Cloth goes to Kitaro's house in hopes of some comfort for his broken heart, but Kitaro and Cat-girl are out. "I wish I could find happiness," laments Cotton Cloth with a glass of alcohol in one hand. Just then, Ratman passes by with a new business idea in hand. He proposes that for this new venture he move into BiBiBi House. It's a share house where youkai and human men and women live together. Cotton Cloth gets his hopes up, thinking he's sure to find love with someone quickly, and immediately agrees to take part. Will Cotton Cloth's fated love appear?!
Ratichon monte une rencontre entre esprits et humains, et Fil de lin saute sur l'occasion. Trouvera-t-il le grand amour ?
Rolo de algodão tem dificuldade de arranjar uma namorada, mas o Homem Rato se dispõe a ajudar.
Nezumi-Otoko lädt Ittan-Momen ins BiBiBi House ein, wo sich junge Menschenfrauen und Yōkai-Männer auf der Suche nach der großen Liebe einfinden. Ittan-Momen wittert endlich seine große Chance, doch seine Angebetete hat wenig Selbstvertrauen. Das will er ändern!