On the run after robbing a convenience store, Kakeru happens upon a strange bus. To escape the police, he reluctantly boards the bus and asks where it's headed. The driver simply replies, "to the place you are meant to go." The bus ends up somewhere so eerie it hardly seems part of our world. Frightened by the scene, Kakeru speaks to one of the passengers who tells him, "we have been chosen to be sent to Hell while still living." Overwhelmed by terror, Kakeru tries to stop the bus, but the bus doesn't stop. In a frenzy, Kakeru jumps out a window of the bus, but...!?
Consterné par le comportement intolérable d'un voleur invétéré, Kitarô décide d'appliquer la peine capitale : la mise aux enfers, un aller simple pour le royaume des morts.
Um bandido comum é forçado a entrar em um ônibus, com um destino certo, mas sem retorno programado. Lá ele encontra uma pessoa que o acompanha ao longo desse caminho.
Ein junger Mann wird nach einem Raubüberfall zusammen mit einem älteren Herren in die Unterwelt verbannt. Während der junge Mann keine Hoffnung sieht, versucht der Ältere, ihm Hoffnung zu machen. Können die beiden den Weg in ihre Welt zurückfinden und ein neues Leben beginnen?