Auf der Suche nach dem Ring trifft Agnes in der Stadt Mana, die ihr quasi gar keine Wahl lässt, als sich mit ihr anzufreunden. Zum ersten Mal seit langer Zeit fühlt Agnes Geborgenheit, doch im Schloss arbeiten Agnes Gegner bereits auf Hochtouren, um selbst zuerst an den Ring zu kommen …
Backbeard puts the "Brigadoon Project" into operation to transform humans into yōkai slaves so he can rule them. In order to prevent this, Agnès hurries to the city where the ring's presence was detected. Agnès flies around the city on her broom without worrying about her surroundings, which throws the town into chaos. Although Kitarō is angered by her actions, Mana, who was in the vicinity, becomes interested in Agnès. After getting caught up in the positive Mana's pace, it was soon decided that Agnès would stay at her house. While she enjoyed the temporary comfort, Agnès leaves Mana's house before dawn without a word. There, the Western Yōkai Victor appears...!
Agnès poursuit sa mission en solitaire, mais sans se soucier d'être remarquée des humains... Mana, admirative, lui propose de devenir son amie, mais c'est sans compter sur Victor Frankenstein...