The final match with Oonaka, who has strong members such as Michibase Meimura. Nishina, the starting pitcher in Fubayashi, continued to make efforts from the beginning, but lost 5 points in the bottom of the 3rd inning due to lack of stamina and defensive disorder. It was Chisato of the center who gave up Nishina's continuation and took over the Fubayashi mound from the 4th inning. Chisato, who has experience as a pitcher in the Little Yokohama era, will be the first pitcher in junior high school. While my father, Fujii, is excited to watch from the stand, what kind of pitch will Chisato at his own pace show ?! ??
Com o Nishina cansado, Daigo decide colocar a Chisato para arremessar, e ela consegue três eliminações por strike logo de cara. Agora, a Fuurin precisa pontuar para terem alguma chance de ganhar no 5-0.
L’équipe du collège Ôbi adopte une stratégie qui leur permet de dérouter Daigo et ses coéquipiers. C’est sans compter sur Chisato et Kandori qui, après s’être entraînées, permettent à Fûrin de remonter au score. Cela sera-t-il suffisant pour déstabiliser et battre Michiru ?
Es ist das Finale gegen Oobi Middle mit Mayumura Michiru und drei weiteren beeindruckenden Spielern. Da Fuurins Startkrug Nishina von Anfang an mit aller Kraft spielt, geht ihm die Ausdauer aus und zusammen mit Verteidigungsfehlern verlieren sie 5 Läufe im unteren Bereich des dritten Innings. Anstatt Nishina weiterzulassen, übernimmt Chisato vom Mittelfeld im 4. Inning. Obwohl sie einige Erfahrungen aus ihrer Zeit bei Yokohama Littles hat, ist dies das erste Mal in der Mittelschule. Ihr Vater ist auf der Tribüne überfordert, aber welche Art von Pitching-Performance wird Chisato geben?!
마유무라 미치루를 포함하여 강력 멤버가 소속된 오비 중학교와의 결승전. 후린 중학교 선발 투수인 니시나는 초반부터 역투를 이어갔으나 바닥난 체력과 수비 난조로 인해 3회 말에 5점을 잃고 만다. 니시나에게 계속 던지게 하는 걸 포기하고 4회부터 갑작스럽게 중견수 치사토가 등판하게 된다. 치사토는 요코하마 리틀 시절에 투수를 경험해봤으나 중학교에서는 첫 실전 등판이다. 아버지인 후지이도 스탠드에서 흥분하며 응원하는 가운데, 느긋한 치사토는 어떤 투구를 보일 것인가...!?