Commander Izumi meets with the third potential driver candidate, Tsuranuki Daimonyama, and requests that he visit Tokyo. Hayato, Akita, and Futaba Mihara take Tsuranuki on a tour of Tokyo. Tsuranuki, it seems, is fascinated by engineering, but refuses to join the team. At the same time, the shadowy entities seemingly responsible for the appearance of the Giant Monstrous Beings have their sights set on a steam locomotive in Tsuranuki’s own home prefecture of Ishikawa…
El comandante Izumi se reúne con el tercer candidato a piloto potencial, Tsuranuki Daimonyama, y le solicita que visite Tokio. Hayato, Akita y Futaba Mihara llevan a Tsuranuki de gira por Tokio. Tsuranuki, al parecer, está fascinado con la ingeniería, pero se niega a unirse al Al mismo tiempo, las entidades sombrías aparentemente responsables de la aparición de los Seres Monstruosos Gigantes tienen la mira puesta en una locomotora de vapor en la prefectura de Ishikawa de Tsuranuki ...