Anna vil have Sara til at forstå, at turen til Den Anden Verden var en drøm. Men Sara, der har fundet to grannåle i sit hår fra sin flyvetur, vil møde Prinsen og dværgene igen. Da hun har lovet Anna ikke at springe ud fra broen, leder hun efter en anden måde at få adgang til eventyret på. Imens gør Camilla sit bedste for at spille Tornerose i juleforestillingen.
Anna wants Sara to understand that the trip to the Other World was a dream. But Sara, who has found two pine needles in her hair from her flight, wants to meet the Prince and the dwarfs again. Having promised Anna not to jump off the bridge, she looks for another way to access the adventure. Meanwhile, Camilla does her best to play Sleeping Beauty in the Christmas performance.